Is it normal to get premenstrual tension even though I am menopausal.?

I always have nasty Premenstral tautness before period. Now my periods are irregular and terribly scanty when they come, but I still appear to take bloated, sugar cravings and mood swings and other such premenstral symptoms, before getting a time of year and it seems I can even find it when I should be having a spell but don't that month, what the H is going on?.

Whats wrong with me?

Yes, the hormones run whacko all over the place during perimenopause, which usually last 2 to 10 years. Been driving me nuts for about 3 years immediately. I just go through having adjectives the discomfort of starting a period but no extent actually come.
Go to your doctor and see about a pill call Loestrin. It's especially made for perimenopausal women. Really does help.

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