What does it mean when you have your period twice in one month?

I know that there might be alot of reason, but what are some common ones? My sister think that I`m pregnant, but I really dont think to be precise it.

Havnt had period?

Chances are it's probably just a fluke. Sometimes our period go wacky.only just because. But if you think you may be pregnant, do a home check or see your doctor for a pregnancy test.

Here is when you should see a doctor going on for irregular periods:

1. If you bleed more than twice your mundane length of time.

2. If your periods are "wacky" 3 consecutive cycles surrounded by a row.

3. If you bleed so heavily you're totally saturating a super tampon or wipe every hour for more than 4 hours.

4. If your period is accompany with any unusual abdominal spasm that doesn't go away when your spell ends, or gets worse and/or you hold a fever over 101.

5. You become aware of any unusual vaginal discharge.either a different color, odor, or amount.

6. If you develop any rash, lumps, or pain surrounded by your vaginal area.

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Ovarian cysts, fibroid cysts, kidney infection, bacterial (vaginal) infection


I knew a girl who have hers every 17 days! It was crazy but her Dr said to be exact normal for some inhabitants.

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Having two periods contained by one month means you're pregnant? I don't ruminate so.

If you're not in discomfort and not getting weird discharge (which would indicate an infection of some sort) I'd say it's simply a glitch in your cycle--could be stress, diet, etc.

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usually it is normal and newly how your body works..or maybe you merely started your period and your body hasnt regulated even so...you should see your doctor just to clear sure

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It's called break through bleeding.This have never happened to me but I would pocket it seriously.You could be pregnant.Some women spot after they become pregnant.The only approach to know for sure that something serious isn't
wrong would be to go to a doctor.If you'd like
you could try conversation with a family connections doctor first.
And he could probably run tests that aren't as
invasive if you know what I stingy.But if you are comfortable going to a Gynecologist then this
is who I recommend you should see.

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This is the first time I have hear someone that had more period than usual thinking they are pregnant.

It is usually lack of a cycle.

I don't guess you use birth control but if you pilfer the pill, forgetting to take them regularly is a big exact for my wife.

Get a test. Good Luck.

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It could be a number of things but the leading thing you call for to answer is this: Are you on birth control pills - if so, then this is prearranged as break-through bleeding and you need some stronger pills. If not, afterwards you probably need to be on BC to regulate your period. Your age could have something to do beside it. Is this something out of the ordinary? - Do you other have regular period and then adjectives of a sudden have two contained by one month? You could just enjoy a cyst, an infection - there are really frequent things that this could be. See your doctor if this happens again or if you are above all worried. Good Luck

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