How do i get rid of dark/black colour skin in between my thigh?

i look so unsexy with dark/black patch down there...especially when i m within bed with my bf =(

Medical-- Why can't I stand up>read?

if it's something you are self conscious going on for, use candlelight or a low watt bulb in a kerosene lamp as a "tool" in the bedroom. Try to exfoliate the area(I use Aveeno, it have like little granules-microbeads surrounded by it that slough away "dead" skin) and slather some lotion/oil on after for about a week or so and see if in attendance is any change if, it is just you. One factor isn't gonna engineer or break your sexiness.It is a state of mind!!YOU ARE WOMAN-ROAR!

Discharge down there?

If your boyfriend have a problem with the patch, tell him to p sour. If your somewhat dark/olive skinned naturally in attendance probably isn't anything you can do. It's your colouring, so love it.

I gave up trying to get hold of pregnant, now I am wondering what genus of birth control is best?

You don't get rid of is call pigmentation and it is part of your body's instinctive protection for your reproductive organs. Learn to live with it!

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