What is the wetness and white discharge from my vagina after I workout...?

I work out for 30 min a day next run on my elpitical for 20 min afterwards I go to shower and my panties other are moist and I have a dime size amount of discharge on my panties... what is this and why am I getting it.

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depends, it's hard to answer this press without more information. Does this transpire only after you workout? Does it arise at certain times of your cycle more than others? Do you hold any other symptoms, such as itching or pain/burning? I used to have greatly of discharge and found out it was yeast related. Generally if it's white, that's what it is. Especially if it's taking place after you work out, because this will increase the dampness inside your body and kind it a more ideal place for yeasts to grow. If you've be tested for everything else and you're clear, then it's probably a yeast infection, depending on consistency (if it's pretty gooey, it's more likely to be yeast). Are you on a birth control pill? Sometimes that can ignite yeast growth. Also eating a diet illustrious in sugar, alcohol and bread can rouse it. Whatever you do, it's probably best to get direction from a doctor. Just be aware that if the problem is yeast related and you take a typical course of anti-yeast meds, they will probably not acquire rid of the problem permanently unless you budge on an anti-candida diet for a while. Also, the supplement Candex have be really helpful for me as the enzymes digest excess yeast.

I want help please. i hold on to feeling?

All women find this. Its normal. Dont freak out. Your simply jumping up and down, allowing the flow to come about.

I'm confused n troubled!?


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because you are doing a work out and it is coming out from that= you as a rule have that when you are newly going to start your period,so don't verbs about it OK

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Is it adjectives the time or only in no doubt times of the month? Your panties are going to be moist regardless from sweating. During your fertile times of the month you are going to have more discharge, and this is completely commonplace.

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It might be from excitement but you should consult your doctor.

i am 18 years old and i am something like 5'7 and weigh about 126 is that ordinary?

Who were you thinking give or take a few when working out?? LOL...just kidding

I've hear it's normal, but I'm no expert

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What it really way is your body is horny. You may not be thinking about it but your body is wanting to own sex. You need to run care of this!

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