Can a girl be pregnant and still see her time?


When I have to pee, I bring kinda turned on.?

Definetly possible. Its called break thru bleeding, but its something that the doctor should know more or less right away.

Any suggestions on a fast approach to lose a few pounds?

yes.. some women have their term for two or three months and they are pregnant.

Girl question, merely GIRLS answer please?


I ahve a couple questions?


Woman & Orgasm?

unfortunately yes

Braces backing!?

yes. my friend got her interval well into her 6th month.

Possibley have to do with my length?

It's not overly common, but yes. If you consider you're pregnant, I'd suggest getting a pregnancy test from the drugstore. They're pretty reliable today.

Funny shape boobs?

Some women do menstruate when they are pregnant.

Brown discharge?



Absolutely! it depends on where on earth the egg attaches to the uterine wall. Many women still do have period, and don't realize they are pregnant until a few months after they have conceived.

I dont know whats wrong and its making my relationship progress down hill!!?

Everyone is maxim "Yes" but that is not a correct answer. A girl cannot achieve her period while she is pregnant. She can, however, own bleeding. There is a difference. Period implies ovulation near implantation of the ovum in the uterus. That cannot start when you are pregnant.

Is my cherry popped?

Yes, it can happen.It can be lighter loss compared to a run of the mill period.I have it with both my pregnancies.

I've be having increasing cramp on my left side surrounded by the front, just above my hipsshould I be worried?

No,it's not on for a girl to be pregnant and still be on her period.You can enjoy had sex on your period(eww!!)and inside a day or two,you could be pregnant,but you shouldnt be bleeding in any bearing down there when pregnant.

Birth control ask?

No, because when you are pregnant, you don't shed eggs. (which is basically what ovulation does)But, if a woman see her period while she be pregnant, that usually means she's miscarried.

Called into hospital for a Colposcopy eaxamination after smear scared?

Sure can... my mom did while she be prego with my brother

HELP-I believe I may be bulimic.?

Yep. It's not very adjectives, but I've known a woman who said she have hers the whole time she be pregnant but it wasn't like a usual period. It be MUCH MUCH lighter, but still there. She have a healthy child.

It's definitely a concern though. Should see the doctor for sure.

A pointy body subdivision in my vagina?


Why do i other get cut-throat burn "down there"???

Yes some women never loose their period while pregnancy :s

That happen to a friend of mine and she noticed she be pregnant till she was almost 4 months it be awful.

Missed period?

it's undercooked, but it does happen

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