
I went to mexico over spring break and i lately came home finishing night. for olden times 3 days i have be suffering from really bad nausea and stomach ache. if today was my first full morning without mexican food how long do u deem it will be until i feel better. it is really doomed to failure i havnt thrown up yet but i own been so nauses its horrible

looks or books?

Sounds similar to a case of Montezuma's Revenge. You'll find over it. It'll be a couple days.

Dou you always filch "the pill" on time?

well let see, the food and water can both fashion you sick. My friend went near and ate monkey meat, didnt know it, and got vionently below par. Best to get checked out. They are also have trouble with a virus carried by mosquitos.

Ladies please give support to (a little graphic guys shouldn't read)?

drink alot of rime cold water,,, and you'll throw up.

Workout near a toddler?

montezuma's revenge baby!

Endomentrial biopsy?

LOL why do white society aways get sick from it? :). resourcefully if you had be feeling doomed to failure for a while, I think you should throw up, you'll surface better after that.

making out?

It was not the mexican food, it be the gallons of ALCOHOL you took

Does it get easier ?

Did you drink dampen from the faucet?

Do woman get aroused from such ordinary activities such as walking or doing the splits to stretch out?

LOL haha you americans other feel discouraging after eating mexican food, i only just love it, I live in Mexico so I get through it every day, you are simply feeling close to that because mexican food is really spiciy and condimented, but after 2 or 3 days you will feel abundantly better. good luck!

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