Period come a year behind schedule, tad lighter than usual.?
I had sexual intercourse twice within the past month, the first time right after my time in which I be still bleeding a little, the second give or take a few the middle of the month, both times with a condom. Nothing come off, no holes. My length came on Monday, February 11th, but it be a tad lighter than usual. I still bleed quite a bit, in recent times not heavily, like common. Is this cause for concern? My period are always a tad behind, I'm slightly irregular, am I ok? I am probably paranoid but I'd like another person's belief.
Answers: If you're usually a tad late later what's to worry around. You used a condom so just dawdle it out for a couple of days and then carry a pregnancy test.
If the blood is red similar to your normal extent, you're not pregnant. If it's brown and looks like outdated blood you should go to a robustness clinic.
mine come a week early or a week behind time all the time, once within a great while they come on time
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