If a condom broke could seman give it the illusion that it resealed itself?

there was seman on the tip of a coondom but i dont know if it be from me or my bf. we both blew it up like a balloon and it didnt appear like nouns was leakin from it but i thought that mabey the seman hermetically sealed the hole.

im scared i might go and get pregnant

Please help me next to this getting pregnant while the tubes are tied thing?

The fluid on the tip of the condom be likely from you, not your boy-friend. There is no such piece as semen-super-glue. A condom is made from latex- tough stuff.

Also, what are you doing putting your mouth on used condoms? Egads. If you think you enjoy a leak within your protection, just put some wet on the inside and watch to see if any drips through.

Also, teens can find contraception for free. Pills, Depo, anything. The clinics are also not allowed to transmit your parents.
Planned parenthood, etc. are option for birth control pills.

At the risk, however, of sounding preachy- If you are too young to even take on the risk of pregnancy, might you think of waiting a bit to hold sex? Even if this condom did not break, this method of birth control is only 92% decisive. Nothing is 100%. Trust me, sex will be there when you turn 19 or 20. What happen when you need child rearing warning... will you ask Yahoo?

Best of luck in adjectives you decide.
And best of luck to the tax-payer who get stuck financing your WIC payments.

Help me! WHats happening to me?> is it serious?

semen is not a sealant, if he didn't consistency it break, then more than potential what you were seeing be from you

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Oh, boy. First, semen is what a man produces. Not women.

If the condom wasn't leaking nouns, then it never have a hole in it surrounded by the firs place. No way could semen or anything else hold sealed it.

help me please?

I agree beside semen not being a sealant nor a feminine product. If you blew it up after, and there be no hole then near was never a hole. If you have an idea that about it, if semen could trademark the hole in the condom, it wouldn't be upright for baby making, because it would stick to your insides once it come out or seal your cervix, any way sperm wouldn't know how to move very very well, if it turned to glue.

Irregular Periods & Pap Smear?

If a condom broke your pregnant and youll breed a little tiny cute baby

youll love the baby it cries and everything... adorable =)

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GO take emergency contraception right know. even that condom may appear airtight. it may have a micro overrun. in nonspecific even if the condom is in top condition nearby is a 3% chance it will filter enough sperm to incentive pregnancy.

also the semen may have escaped from the lower outskirts of the condom and not necessarily form the tip without if truth be told breaking.

Females only please??

No here is no chance that it would or could bestow the illusion of it seal itself. It is from you, and completely normal. Good work for being locked about it. Your not pregnant.

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