What is wrong with me? Feeling Sick all the time!?

Hey All.. How are you all today? Me, not too great :'( I am constantly thought sick & nauseous and I hold been for times gone by week and a half. I haven't in actual fact been sick but close to it. Most smells variety me gag, I have also be off my food for most of this time and the thought of some foods resembling mayonaise which I love dearly usually, well I'm approaching ewwww... yuk! and also bacon YUK! I have be getting severe head ache, just constant tender for hours and hours. I thought I may be pregnant and even stopped taking my pill last week as I thought what's the point if I'm pregnant after 2 days later my length came, that be on Sat but today it stopped. I'm very confused :(

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Oh God. I hate to break this to you but you give the impression of being seriously ill. You must see a doctor ASAP earlier the condition gets worse. Chances are, it's nil big and he'll give you medication to aid you feel better. Ask someone close to you to run you to the local doctor's.

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Mild food poisoning perhaps? The headache are most likely cause by the fact that you're not ingestion properly, so your blood chemistry is all messed up. If you verbs to experience these symptoms, go see your doctor.

For nursing moms.?

Anything longer than 3 days you should see a doctor possibly something is off symmetry or something minor enough that medication will help yourself to care of it overnight. Why get the impression sick for 2 weeks without a sense?

How come i smell seriously ?

Sounds like you get one of them horrible bugs that,s goin round.Go to the docs though if your concerned,you could be pregnant even though you,ve had your term and your on the pill.I,d go and acquire it checked out just for piece of mind

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You might still be pregnant. Sometimes, your time of year still comes. Otherwiise, you may be reacting to going past its sell-by date the pill. Dysmenorreah is a condition where the usual extent symptoms are pretty severe, and include headaches and nausea. Bieng on the pill reduce these symptoms, so maybe that's it. If your time of year stopped though, I would recommend going to the doc for a test.

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hmmmmm...why DIDNT YOU GO SEE A DOCTOR?!
sorry ur sick:(

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Get an exam and pregnancy try-out from your doctor. I know a woman who menstruated throughout her pregnancy which is why she did not discover it untill she was economically into her seventh month. lShe thought that she was freshly gaining linger and actually she didn't really look pregnant.

I will ask you an extra question and I am outta here .I am short right?

you should converse with your doctor but even if you do bleed you can still be pragnet i know i enjoy a 14 that happend with my self my 14 not be pragnet but me 14 years ago

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It sounds similar to it's a bug of some sort. It could be a bacterial infection too so it wouldn't hurt to go surrounded by and have the doc do a blood/urine examination and see. The only other entity I can think of is vertigo, which would engender you feel dizzy and disoriented too.that could be from an inner ear infection so enjoy your ears checked too.

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constipation? In involve of a detox? Migraine?

Why havent I started my period on the other hand?

if your period be lighter than normal you could capably be pregnant get a try-out if negative see Dr for blood exam

Can I Be pregnant?

Maybe you're tired ?

Sounds to me like for a moment TLC would do the trick

( wow, thats a bit too modern-man for me - I'll try to show less sympathy subsequent time)

take perfectionism.

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You can get your spell and still be pregnant. Take a preg test and rule that out. If it continues and you're NOT pregnant later see your doctor to check everything else. You may also be getting Migraine which would explain the headache. You can get nausea/vomiting, light sensitivity, etc beside that too. Let your doctor help you digit it out. It could be something serious. Good luck.

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Sounds to me you any have food poisoning or the 24 hr bug,hold on to drinking plenty off fluids dont verbs about food fluids is what you requirement at a time like this.Rest and if matching in a few days move about see your gp he will advise you and distribute you the right medication.

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It sounds like the pill you are on is too strong. See the doc and achieve it lowered.

What is the definition of breakthrough bleeding?

take a trip to the doctors,you can still have a spell when pregnant,or you might just own food poisoning,worth peace of mind,so get to the doc's.

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