What could be causing my constant armpit pain?

On one armpit area singular. It is sharp and constantly there

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This pain could be several things.One is rhuematoid arthritis.If the torment is constant then its a well-mannered chance it is fibroadenoma(breast cancer) You should do the lump examination and if no lumps are found then aim your doctors help contained by getting a mamogram. Its important to realise that even though you may not find a lump here can still be an underlying cause.It may also be lymph nodes that lay below the armpit. You shouldnt leave this stomach-ache to long to be sorted out.

Dr Gary martin

it is a question purely for girls\\\\\\//////?

there could be something underneath the skin, like a tumor.or a muscle strain.you should go and get it checked out.

The best things about anyone a woman are?

Maybe the way the sleep

Dumb mistakeee :(?

swollen lymph node. That process your body is trying to fight bad an infection. If you put deodorant right after you shave could be a factor.

The infection could also be from an insect bite.

I really need 2 know?

Lymph node or swollen gland. If it bothers you for more than a week or so, budge get it checked out and confidence your mind.

Has anyone ever been prescribed strain med for pain from an ovarian cyst?

try shifting your deoderant

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When your lymph nodes are doing their job they become swollen resembling marbles in your armpit. They are scratchy to the touch or can cause constant dull pain if they are really working hard to be at odds an infection or virus. Sometimes this only last a few days or a few weeks.

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See a Dr. It is probably swollen lymphnodes which you hold under your arms. Don't consent to this go although it may be zilch to worry in the region of it's better to know for sure.


It is probably a recurring cyst. Most cysts will travel away on their own, but sometimes they don't. Have a doctor look at it. If necessary, the doctor can cut it embark on and drain it.

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