I would similar to to know what this is doing to my body please?

So I stuggle with anroxia. But when I do eat, I drink a granola bar, yourgt, crackers. Maybe 1 dinner a day. That is if i'm near friends or family other then that I don't guzzle a whole meal. Right presently, i feel like i'm eatting to much. In 3months I hold lost over 20pounds. I have little side effect of it, like cold hand and feet, hard feel like it is working alot harder, dizzyness. ***Please if you do answer PLEASE be nice*** I want to stop and i'm working with a psychotherapist and a doctor (it just has be awhile since I have been in) I don't describing you them meaning behind it but please don't mediator. I have been molested and raped and I get the impression if I get skinny and then they will not see me, after I one get hurt. Since my power has be taken over then, this way I still own power somehow. I started off cutting consequently self medicated and now a eatting disorder. Thank you all for your oblige. Take care

Could this be appendicitus?? HELP MEE?

There is no reason to be judgmental, you hold been through a great deal and you are still surrounded by pain.

Your anorexia is damaging your body slowly. I know it is unbelievably hard but you need to inform yourself and remind yourself often that the things that have happen to you are not your fault and therefore you don't own to punish yourself. Anorexia can hurt you and I know you don't really want to hurt yourself.

Keep working with your therapist and doctor. Try meditation lately using simple techniques of breathing or walking and be aware of what is happening, don't hold on to it, newly look at it and let it go - this is self in the moment. Try to just be here right immediately because when your are who you are right now you can afford to leave at the back things that happened years ago. Try to follow your positive energy, bestow yourself positive messages, think to yourself that you really are a good individual and remember that you cannot know what other people think, you cannot read their minds. All the race you meet will not know anything about you except what you reveal of yourself. Let relatives get to know who you are right now, general public will react to your goodness so it is essential that you be good to yourself starting today, now and other.

White Vaginal discharge for 6 years straight. simply go away for length?

anorexia nerviousa is a eating disorder. it can lead to coat loss, organ complications, decaying teeth, weakness, dizzyness, ect and even death. this is serious and you call for to get help. because you are not consumption your cells arent getting food to supply your organs and your body with the nutrition you stipulation if you dont eat you will eventually die. i hope you get better <3

Girls assistance!!?

you know it is doing something to you. your heart is have to work harder. you have cold hands and foot and are dizzy. that is what is happening that you can physically touch. there are other things happening to you that you simply aren't feeling right now but will hold effects later. i am glad you are seeking help but from what i become conscious you really have to be diligent to stop. i have hear that it is somewhat of an addiction. you could also not be hit on by being fat so i am not sure specifically completely your reason. we live in a skinny loving society. but i hold got to tell you guys do not resembling a bony girl. they look a lot like little boys to them. as far as your power. you can own power without harming yourself. how is that powerful. you want power, after get power. tell anyone you don't want to enjoy anything to do with to leave you alone. use your power to set and follow through near goals for yourself. gaining power is not adjectives yourself. it actually sounds to me like something or someone have more power over you than you have over yourself. i would certainly insist on to continue therapy. read some books on the subject. but be secretive of overthinking things too much. what i am trying to say about explicitly don't go looking for more things to be upset about. report to yourself, i am woman hear me roar!! stop this and you will definitely have the power. i stopped a different addiction if you want to bid it that and i have got to make clear to you when you really get it conquered, you feel goooood. i bring up to date myself, those mf'ers are not going to upset me to the point that i drink again. get tough and i know you can do it because you want to stop. good luck to you.

My time??!?

You should chat to your doctor again. Your heart will work harder. Each organ in your body is fighting for the nutrition it requirements to keep going and help save you alive. This has a effect on everything from your skin , hair and your finger nail to your internal organs. You need body fat to oblige maintain organs like your ovaries and kidneys, heart, brain adjectives that stuff.
It is very important that you share your therapist everything that is on your mind. If you surface you can't do that you need to find someone that you can talk to.

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