Why am i always sleepy?

Im always sleepy no thing how much sleep i get at darkness i cant seem to stay away during the morning..i feel so unconvincing during the day b/c im soooo sleepy..this weekend adjectives i did was sleep and i still get the impression tired what is wrong with me Im single 22 my thyroid was checked a few months ago but adjectives the test come back average.so i know its not that my husband also says im moody one minuet im lively go lucky and the subsequent im ripping his head bad over something stupid what could it be?

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Have you had your hormone level checked or been checked for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? It could also be depression, but it sounds more approaching your hormone levels may be out of whack. Check beside your doctor. If you are on birth control that too can affect your hormone levels and it may not be the right one for you.

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Have you ever been tested for sleep apena. Its where on earth you stop breathing in the middle of the hours of darkness. My hubby has this. Tell your doctor and he might dispatch you to a sleep clinic.

Birth control?

Maybe anemia? I know exactly how you feel. I slept 13 hours finishing night and I'm warfare to keep my eyes unfurl today. I get plenty of sleep most of the time, but I can lay down and crash down asleep almost immediately. I know that I'm anemia and I try to bring back enough iron, but it's intricate to as it makes you horribly constipated. Maybe you should hold a CBC checked to see if you might be anemic too.

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Try shifting your diet and take vitamins. One souce vitamins are outstandingly good and hold ginsing for energy. My pharmist say they are the best. Also make yourself exercise a short time everyday. If that doesn't work try asking your doctor for more tests. Good Luck

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Have you be checked for sleep apnea? If yo have it, you aren't getting restful sleep and that will brand you tired no matter how long you are technically sleeping.

I involve help asap ..?

Are you possibly depressed or emotion anxious? I felt otherwise fine except for self very, immensely tired. I went to my doctor for a check up and after he started asking me almost my life, work, clan, etc. He told me that he thought I might be suffering from depression due to the demands of work and home life. I did a 6 month stint on zoloft, changed my vivacity a bit and have be loads better ever since.

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Do you have mono I don`t know? It makes you markedly tired and you have no appetite so travel to the doctor and get tested.

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Are you depressed? Ask your Dr. about that.My daughter have the same entry happen to her and the Dr. said she be depressed and now near meds. she has a regular life.Hope you go and get back to run of the mill...

Women Only!?

Asked for your thyroid test results, here is some controversy about what mundane is. Most doctors use a range for TSH of 0.5 to 5.0 but presently they recommend 0.3 to 3.0, but most doctor do not use this range.

I am impossible to tell apart way but I own both sleep apnea, and had my thyroid removed.

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