I had sex near my bf on March 20 and again on March 30. We used a condom and I a take my pill everyday. However i own been getting horrible headache for about a week and drinking tonz. I am due for my period on wed. Do you chew over I am pregnant. I was putting mayonaisse on my sandwhich and almost started gag and that never happens. I am 16

Is it adjectives for women to have a impossible taste discharge(from vagina)?what could be the exact of it?

Get a test gear to confirm, If you are, stop taking the pill.

I take Boniva for osteoporosis, why do my bones and muscles twinge?

I dont think your are pregnant if youve used a condom and the pill youre pretty nontoxic. Im on the pill and i go through stages where on earth i cant stop eating stuff! It last a few days then im fine, i also get hold of headaches possibly its a side effect of the pill? Anyway id give it until Friday see what happen but im sure youll be ok:)

Lingering pain after apendicitis surgery?

mybe your perenoid realax steal a home pregnatcy test

How regularly do ppl die from ovarian cysts?..?

With pill and condom your are well protected. There is scarcely any change to be pregnant. You verbs too much. Relax!

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