The best things about being a woman are...?


what are some indicators that you are close to acheiving an orgasm?

being competent to have an orgasm, over and over and over and over

still dont capture it? [email protected]

Mamogram, when do we need it?

Multiple orgasms

Does anyone enjoy a clue what this could be?

can't think of one.ironically

Vaginal Rejuvination surgery? Anyone ever have it?

Having babies, being pretty, dressin up, smelling biddable, being contained by complete control if men who dont realize it, and getting my hair and nail done. I also love being underestimate I love to blow peoples minds!
Yes toomuch and multiple orgasms!

Can women who HAD anorexia still have kids?

1)Not mortal a man.
2) Having a wide continuum of clothing styles to choose from.

Worst: The monthly thing!!

What did you do to celebrate Easter today?

There is so several things! woman are multifunctional
they can give birth and most essential they are clever than men!

If you have taken ortho tri cyclen lo?

they can recieved roses, chocolates, free dinner, and human being caress.

Weird dischard, almost 13 weeks along?

If you what to be a woman you have need of to change ya voice, adapt ya sex appeal {private area}. Look good. Have a moral smile and get ya voice box convert {Throat} and Look sexy

How do you know if you are a virgin?

We get to do things for our loved ones lacking ever getting a thank you.

Girrls only!! is it ordinary to have extra discharge when and after i workout or enjoy practice?

I have no thought, just glad i'm not an monstrous, hairy, sweaty man.

Faster time of year?

being able to loose change your mind as much as you

Should I be worriedbeen missing my extent?

trying to make us guys existence a living hell sometimes and other times make us quality good bout individual guys but i love all the women and most womens personality are great and others r just stuck up

Anemia and Pregnancy.?

not man men, no offence guys

Shower after surgery?

Being someone's mom.

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