I enjoy a lump surrounded by my pubic region, ?

i have a lump in my pubic region, and the skin is discoloured, it feel like a piece of Grissel, it i quite tricky and goes quite open, what could this be as I'm only 18 and female and am really worried but I'm upset to go the docs, please help !!

Answers:    I know it can be worrisome seeing a doctor, but it could be serious anything from a cyst, pimple, STD, or cancer. I don't want to scare you, but it is better to be safe than sorry. If it would brand you feel better see a female doctor, or OB GYN, someone who know all about this stuff. It is better to be not dangerous, than sorry. Take a female friend a long with you, or someone you are comfortable beside. Just see a doctor soon! .
It could be a number of things, but you shouldn't be scared.

You do necessitate to go and check it out at the Doctors if it hasn't gone any better within a week.

It could be an ingrown curls, but it would only be a small lump, unless it got infected, but next it would weep a little if it have. It could be a boil, which tend to come when you are stressed and under the weather. If it was a cyst next it also needs to be treated.

You can not really diagnose without seeing it and have some knowledge, so just stir and get it checked out.

Remember things caught early can be sorted out.

Yeah, I developed this after using a ably known hair removing cream and I thought it be an ingrowing hair but the doctor told me it's just a benign lump of dislodged gristle approaching cartilage that does no harm and is quite adjectives.
I still have it and it doesn't cause me any discomfort or bother, and it seem to be going down a bit as time passes.
I have however changed to shaving the nouns now though.
Hope this puts your mind at rest a little..
i have something like this, and it turned out it was an infectd pelt folical which is common when shaving or waxing the nouns. i waited about 2 wks in the past going to docs, it was about the size of a 2pence piece and the doctor said i should've gone contained by earlier as the infection could've spread. she gave me cream and it be gone in a week. i was outstandingly scared but in the finish it was over nothing. pls book an appt, it sounds approaching you do need a doctor just to check it.
P.s doc said DO NOT SQUEEZE! :) Hm this is pretty worrying. If you are really worried ring and book a private appointment with your local NHS nurse.This is something that should not be left unattended this could be a sighn of curvical cancer. Also be carefull on who you own sex with. I t may just be an infection which can be smoothly cleaned. whenyou are 20 you will be called in for a smear oral exam so be carefull. Go and chek in no be4 its too late ..
Please do not be terrified!

Please go to your GP like very soon!
It may be nothing more than a cyst.

If it is anything serious, then the sooner it is diagnosed the better.

Can't you let somebody know your Mum, and get her to go to your GP near you?

Please don't be scared, because leaving it is just going to make your condition worse!.
I know this sounds strange but could it be an ingrown hair? does it look close to there's a faint grey line underneath it? If it is you can squeeze it out a bit resembling a spot. If its not I really do suggest you go to the doctor, even if it's just to put your mind at rest x Is it a boil? Put tea tree grease on it and see if it feels better. 6 weeks is a long time though so I would see a doctor. You might need antibiotics..
could be something close to a cyst or an ingrown hair if you shave or wax, you could always ask to see the nurse at your docs if you dont want to see the doc themselves Sometimes you dont want 2 but u should budge 2 a doctor, or tell some1 that can help, trust me it make a big difference!.
it sounds bad, go to the doctors.

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