My daughter has precocious puberty. How common is this?

My 8 yr old daughter have started to grow pubic hair; I yhought this wasn't supposed to transpire till she's 11 or so. Are there copious other girls who started to develope this early? How adjectives is this? Should I take her to a gynocologist or edify her to start shaving?

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Yes. A doctor definatly. Shaving is her choice.
I lately heard of a study as to why puberty is starting in advance in children. The round content in their bodies trigger it. With our
elevated fat quickly foods it is triggering early puberty. Might be something to it. A neighbor of mine's daughter started puberty at 8 looked 20 when she be 13. It happens.

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The onset of puberty is generally triggered by the hypothalamus (the area of the brain that help control pituitary gland function). It signals the pituitary gland (a pea-sized gland near the bottom of the brain) to release hormones that stimulate the ovaries (in girls) or testicles (in boys) to make sex hormones.

Sometimes, precocious puberty stems from a structural problem contained by the brain (such as a tumor), brain injury due to head trauma, an infection (such as meningitis), or a problem in the ovaries or thyroid gland that triggers the kick-off of puberty ahead of schedule - but this usually isn't the crust.

For the majority of girls, there's no underlying medical problem - they simply start puberty too rash for no known pretext. In boys, the condition is less adjectives, and more likely to be associated near an underlying medical problem than it is in girls.

As far as teaching her to shave, I intuitively wouldn't if it were my daughter. That is plentifully of maintenance for a child to hold on to up with. I meditate that if you make a big contract out of having her shave, next mentally she will feel that it is some entry to be ashamed off. Puberty is a attractive time in a girls energy, it is when she is becoming a woman. Even though she started early, she should not consistency ashamed and feel that she have to hide it. Shaving should be her verdict later.

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This phenomenon is becoming increasingly common. Some attribute it to the hormones we insert in beef. Whatever the explanation, it can be treated. Take your daughter to her pediatrician.

There is plenty of information on the Web. For more details, just google "precocious puberty."

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I don't know how adjectives it is, but I do know that it's nothing to verbs about. It does arise to many infantile girls. If you are worried then pilfer her to a doctor, but I'm sure that he/she will say impossible to tell apart thing. Nothing to verbs about. Also, don't breed her shave! Who is going to look down there? Shaving the tresses won't make it magically turn away. It will come back stronger.
Give your daughter lots of love and support, because I'm sure that she is more upset about what is going on near her than you are!

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OMG don't teach her to start shaving, she is far too childlike. I developed early and have my first period when I be about eleven. Children are starting in that periods rash now. It's slightly normal.

Imagine how you would be aware of if you were eight and have a strange man look at you down there. It's a despoliation. Please leave her be.

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Shaving?!? it wont bother her! she doesnt need to shave, you said it yourself, shes one and only 8. Ask a gyno. It is definately possible though, i have set girls who got theirs at 9 or 10.

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I grain so bad for these kids who are developing so hasty. It's like their childhood is human being taken away from them. It is so sad. I tight, when I was eight I wasn't even thinking almost stuff like that wreak it seemed so far contained by the future. I can not envision how awful it would have to be to wear a pantyliner when you're similar to ten. I think you should homily to her doctor about this. I'm pretty sure near are ways to postpone puberty.

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