A Question for all?

I'm going to start with a grill to whoever is reading this, it is a situaional question so undergo with me. You are married to a delicate wife/husband and have be for a couple of years. One day the both of you opt to concive a child. When the time comes for a period, nearby isn't one. Two months pass and your she is thoroughly much pregnant. Imagine the happiness that the two of you enjoy. One day a shoplifter runs up to her and attacks her viciously stealing everything from her even her wedding ring. He also kill the baby. If he be ever caught would you want him to pay for what he did?

Now, what are your view on abortion.
If your answer is "yes, he should pay" then appropriate.
If your answer is no then agree to me ask; how is murder accepted when you don't want the infant but it is not ok when you do?

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He should pay, but thats up to wether the mother could manipulate it, i couldnt say how ego feel within a hypothetical situation because i dont no how i would act. My view on abortion are pretty limited, not a soul should use abortion unless its a medical reason approaching the baby is going to suffer its undamaged life or if the girl be raped and didnt take the morning after pill, next you should have the selection to end its vivacity, but stupid girls are getting pregnate and using it to fix there mistakes. SO necessarily the whole abortion entity is teaching women that they can enjoy unprotected sex and just capture an abortion.

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everytime u hold sex, u could of have a tot with those sperm cell so what wrong are u doing when u having a abortion? essentially you are saying you can with the sole purpose have sex when you are trying to concieve.

Weird but for LADIEZ solely!?

Yes he should pay. As a mother who have lost a child I am very against abortion or any work of abuse or slackness against a child. I have other been against abortion, even in the past I lost my daughter. A baby is a living human, and have a soul from conception. Abortion is MURDER and I am not afraid to say it. It is a short time ago as much murder as someone killing an full-size or baby that have already been born.

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