This is a question for women! Help!?

Okay I have be with my boyfriend for almost two years and own been have sex with him for times past year and a half. And within February I got my first Depo Shot but I lied to the nurse and told her I have gotten my period that month which I hadn't but I get the pregnancy test and it be negative but in a minute it the 27 of march and I still haven't gotten my term what does this mean?

I am planning on going sour the Nuva Ring after 5 straight years to give myself a break.?

Get a second theory test, but it may just be a side effect of the shot. Many women hold irregularities and missed periods while on the shot:

1) Irregular, cumbersome, or no bleeding are common side effects of Depo Provera. After a year of use, various women stop having period. Lack of a period become increasingly common next to longer use.

2) Menstrual irregularities
Bleeding, spotting and amenorrhea (not having periods) are adjectives. After a year of Depo-Provera injections, 57% of women are not menstruating. After 2 years, 68% of women are not menstruating. If you stop getting Depo-Provera injections, your period usually returns in 3 to 10 months.

4 yr post total abdominal hysterectomy my lower ab area bulged out overnight. Why? did something come loose?

ummm girl jump visit the doctor soon!

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It way you should go hindmost to the doctor and tell the truth this time. Good luck.

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it means u could hev a unsettled period or be pregnant. did u use prtection? u should c a doctor bc those testing take a wile to work

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That you need to purloin another test.

Question in the order of gynos and confidentiality?

it is proof that you were incredibly stupid to tale to the nurse

Took HPT and still Negative but I think Im still pregnant?

it could merely be the shot and it messed with ur cycle! if u r that worried consequently ask the doctor!

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When I get this shot I didn't have my term for three months, doc said it was everyday.

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Either you are have a delayed period (my issue) or the pregnancy assessment was wrong. Either instrument, see a doctor. A delayed period can be a sign of cancer, though not other. Or the pregnancy test could be wrong. The doctor can do further test to tell you what is really going on and comfort you with anything is the problem. I hope it works out for you.

lower back aching what can i do?

i think you want to go receive a test or be in motion to your doctors office for a blood examination so that you can find out for sure.

Period question.spotting/hot flash (serious answers only)!?

It be not smart to lie more or less your period. They ASK those question for a REASON. I would suggest you calling your doctor and telling the what have taken place. You may also want to take another pregnancy test. This time be completely HONEST. The singular person your going to hurt by lying is yourself.

What is the "grinding dance"?

well sometimes when you get hold of the depo shot you might not have a time. i know that i had mine constantly and my mother get it and she doesnt have it at adjectives. so you might want to talk to your doctor its not going to hurt anything... right?

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for adjectives reference, other tell the doctor the truth if u want concrete results that will help u, cuz if u did, u wudn't av to be worried presently, see ur gonna av 2 go twice now which is more of ur time. spell can be late 4 sundry reasons, not merely cuz a pregnancy and the best time 2 take a pregnancy theory test is the 1st urine in the morning, all the best

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It could be a couple things, any the test be wrong, usually the result of testing too untimely, and you are pregnant, or the shot is causing your missed spell, or in some cases, the verbs of being pregnant is adequate to mess up your cycle. In either crust, you should go see your doctor and fess up going on for not having your term. Even if you go to the store and acquire another at home pregnancy test, you could capture a false result due to the shot. Better safe than sorry on this one, because the weaken to an unborn child is unknown with these shots, walk see your doc A.S.A.P.

if if if if?

call the youth healthline on 1300 13 17 19

it is common to not take your period after the injection. however, if you are pregnant, it is *not polite!* (for the potential foetus)

pregnancy tests are not infaliable. did you enjoy contraception before the shot? (!did you ever hold a period up to that time!?)

you have to turn to a doctor to be sure.

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Depo is a three month is repeatedly associated with a loss of your extent. As the company website says, "Irregular, chunky, or no bleeding are common side effects of Depo Provera. After a year of use, tons women stop having period. Lack of a period become increasingly common near longer use." So you are in a bit of a pickle, I would achieve another test. It is possible you are pregnant, but it could lately be the drug.

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You need to catch another pregnancy test, if you are you requirement to make a choice for the unborn child how much ruin will this depo shot cause the tot? Some women who take this shot miss in attendance monthly periods, but you can lose your doctor for lying to them. I hope you own or will learn to be truthful to your doctors they hold a hard time treating empire as it is and when people flop it makes it profusely more difficult for them and they can fire you because being a doctor is stressful, and they will other have patients. So they don't hold to let population make in that jobs worse. I hope you haven't harmed a Innocent babe.

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It is adjectives to miss your period for three straight months when going on depo, but you should consult the doctor anyway. You really have no reason to slouch to the nurse, those questions are significant and they help digit out when the medicine wants to be started in command to match your cycle.

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1st never recline about that! if you be preg it could deform your tot bad... also when you are on the depo you may never achieve your period. thats the side effects. i would only take another urine pregnancy try-out see where i.e. if its negative consequently im sure you are fine.

How can you trust anything that bleeds for 3 days and doesn't die?

the depo makes you not hav ur spell! well it did me!

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