If I get my tubes tied and I want to get pregnant later-?

I mean, is it possible for me to freeze an egg for subsequently use after I get my tubes tied?

Right very soon, I really really don't want kids, but I don't want to burden my partner with condoms, and my extent (cause I don't want to have my interval at all surrounded by the first place), and I'm afraid of taking birth control pills. I hear those mess up your sex life.

So, is it possible for me to freeze an egg, draw from my tubes tied and then if I want a babe later, freshly fertilize it and stick it in to become pregnant?

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Ok, three things that any doctor will speak about you:

1. If you don't want to be permanently sterilized, consequently go on birth control. Although the surgery can be reversed, it leaves down scar tissue. The longer your tubes are "tied" the more deformity tissue that builds up, and the less plausible you will be to ever have children.
2. You're still going to bring back your period, you a short time ago won't ovulate. the egg won't be there, but adjectives the blood/ tissue that builds up in your uterus will be, and getting your tubes tied in no opening cuts off your uterus (where the blood from yor length comes from) from your cervix, so you'll still get your monthly company.
3. Make any partner you have use condoms. You're more potential to get an STD, afterwards you are to get pregnant from every sexual encounter. Most empire don't even know they're infected.

Talk to your doctor about a range of birth control options (perhaps you'd similar to the depo shot- that causes you to not enjoy a period for as long as a year at a time) They will impart you the healthiest/ most logical birth control options available.

(and as for freezing eggs, it puts your children at increased risk of have chromosomal related retardation, because freezing eggs sometimes damages the egg.)

I have a tender lump in my breast. What is it? Please read details.?

hey a short time ago now i read a article nearly it and Brain,get the link
hope it will back u a lot

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You can achieve your tubes un-tied when ever you are ready for children..explicitly what my aunt did. And if you thought that that is whats going to evolve then you requirement to find out more about it up to that time you actually procure it done, because it doesn't sound similar to you know alot. Good luck and best wishes :)

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The doctors can untie them reverse it!!

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I used to appropriate birth control pills. They are not that good for you. I stopped because it be giving me problems ( I took them for 8 years). I now use or-tho spermicide for in a minute until I get my tubes tied. (I never want kids.. I conjecture this world sucks) However if you eventually want kids getting your tubes tide is NOT a good choose because its irreversible. As for freezing an egg, I enjoy no idea ask your gyno.

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Tubal ligation is really a birth control route that one should use if they are certain that they do not want children within the future. It can be reversed, but it may not work. You will not be capable of become pregnant as easily. It also is a tremendously invasive surgery both to have the ligation and to reverse it. Freezing eggs is also extremely expensive and is also very knotty on your body. Have you considered some other options that are not chemical and won't jeopardize your fertility, such as an IUD or a diaphragm? You should speak next to your gynecologist or call Planned Parenthood and catch some information on other birth control.

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