Can I start new pack of pills early to prevent period?

My period be supposed to come yesterday but it is a day late, which is probably due to stress and working out. I evacuate for NY on Thursday and do not want to have my extent the whole time I am on time off. I saw my doctor a couple weeks ago and she gave me a unknown prescription of Yasmin to start. Instead of waiting for my period which should be any year now, couldnt I merely start the new pill pack immediately and prevent my period from coming until the placebo pills subsequent month?

Since around oct last year my tummy have been swelling up on various occasions surrounded by the last three months i own pu

Well, in adjectives actuality, you could. But would it be a good Why? Because if you were supposed to start your time yesterday and you are late, you body have most assuredly already ovulated...meaning the bin liner in your uterus have thickened and is equipped to be shed (which is what your period is...the shedding of the pool liner that became thicken to prepare for a possible implantation of a fertilized egg for pregnancy).

Then you have the possibility of "could you be pregnant". You know the pill works most every time, but nearby is a very tiny arbitrary that it didn't work. Also...perhaps you be stressed about a week and a partly to two weeks ago about something (which is just about the time you would have ovulated). If you get hold of stressed over something really bad, it cause ovulation to be delayed in some cases...which within turn causes your spell to arrive late.

If you give somebody a lift the pills to avoid your period, you could grasp your cycles screwed up a little by messing near the natural course of your cycles. However, some women do this when they grain. If I were you, I'd only flow with it and agree to your period come when it comes (it will stop when you transport the first pill of your new pack anyway) so you don't mess things up. Also, possibly you should look into getting the new birthcontrol that allows you to enjoy shorter periods, or even the one where on earth you only own a period once every 3 months. Just an model!


You can do this but you may still have some break through spotting

Does anyone know the do of polyps in the uterine pool liner?

call you DR and ask, I have done this b4, but the timing is central...Idont remember the trick, but your Dr will tell you, enjoy a great vacation

33 weeks and have an ultrasound saw that my babys head is pretty big and im really small will i want a c-sec?

I used to get migranes just when I was on the placebo pills(due to drop contained by hormones). The dr told me to just continuosly clutch the active pills. I did that for more or less 3 yrs before I get an IUD. This is exactly what drs do for honeymooners. You don't need to own your period unless your trying to conceive.

Girls I Need Your relief. I Started My Period And I Don't Have A Mom.?

I take Yasmin too and because of bloody periods i be told by my doctor i could take up to three pack without the 7 sunshine break inorder to delay the bleed, and this doesnt do any injure. I occasionally have hurricane lantern spotting which lasts a sunshine but its nothing compared to a middle-of-the-road period. You can choose to glitch your period any time you stipulation to by skipping the break.

if your menstrual cycle was behind one month can it come very untimely the next month?

If you have planned ahead, this could work. It might be too late. You could try but you may still own some bleeding or dark discharge. But within theroy it would work. Could you be pregnant?

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