Why are my hormones acting up (females and/or medical advice only please)?

I am a normally nourishing 27 year old beside a history of endometriosis and a couple of years ago was diagnosed next to fibroadenomias in my breasts (both of these conditions are relatively non-hazardous, just painful) Well, the second month or so, my body has begin to act awfully strangely. My breasts are usually very "knotty, and tender" nearly a week before my length, but subside as soon as my period begin. Now two weeks after my period, my breasts are still especially painful and knotty. The week after my spell I experienced some tinged blood when I wiped, and immediately my face have broke out and I look like I enjoy acne. I know that my hormones are obviously out of wack, but the problem is, I am on no meds, or have any changes surrounded by my lifestyle that would affect it. I have be in a monogomous relationship for the concluding 10 years. I am wondering if anyone has an conception of why my hormones would be acting up this way. I also enjoy a family history (both grandmothers and protective aunt) of hormonal breast cancer.

Why is my period coming 2 weeks hasty (ladies or doctors only please)?

Not sure, but i would really be in motion to your OB and get it adjectives checked out to make sure it is nought , but hormones.

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It may be a volatile fluke this month.wait it out a couple menstrual cycles. If after that you are still have problems the best answer is birth control pills to control your hormones.yes, it does sound close to your "hormones are out of whack"

My girlfriend and I were have sex today and she started to bleed during it?

a simple blood test will make a contribution you hormone information... have your Dr nick a look and see what is going on with you

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Call your gyne and see almost getting on some birth control pills to regulate your period.

YEEEOWCH! this arise to anyone else?

Try taking a pregnancy test. You may be pregnant. If you are not, see your doctor for unadulterated advice. This is not the benign of question that can realistically be answered surrounded by this forum.

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