Im have a discolored discharge and it wont dance away..?

I have notice that my discharge is a thick pallid color. It doesn't have any odor and I doesnt itch.. Its not seriously but it wont go away. I enjoy a really big deal near telling my mom incentive I don't want her to think that Ive be having sex. What does this be set to. Am I pregnant. I havent' had unprotected sex. What should I do?

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The pale color is an indicator that you have an infection. You entail to go to the gynecologist and obtain checked out. Most likely it's not a yeast infection since you said you didn't itch. If you're worried around telling your mom and you grain that you can't, there's other the option of going to Planned Parenthood. They proposal free pap smears. If you are able to achieve a ride to one, call and kind an appointment. Good luck and make sure you bring this taken care of a.s.a.p!

Whats Bleeding?- GIRLS HELP.?


Ingrown quill? had better relay your mom. Just suck it up...apparently if you are grown enough to hold sex then you are grown adequate to tell your mom. Hurry sounds pretty serious.

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Well you could shift to your doctor.Thats all i know to narrate you.

If your on.?

You need to be in motion see a doctor. It doesn't matter if you have sex or not as any woman can get an infection. If you hold been have sex though you do need to enjoy a pap and pelvic every year now.

Regarding anorexia or bulimia and how it affects personal relationships.?

It might be a lighting infection you could try ALOT of cranberry just or attain some monistat, Ive had yeast infections and not even prearranged it till my doctor said something

I had sex and the condom broke but after 3 days later i get my period?

You might own an infection, but usually that'd be accompanied by itching. Sorry, I can't really lend a hand you there.

But you aren't pregnant. I know that.

What are signs for my extent is coming?

Your infected. Your discharge should always be white. Go to the doctor. They will furnish you an antibiodic.

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yeast infection
that's what it's called, don't verbs about recitation her mom...if it's bad you should bring it checked out, if not it'll stir away.

Allowing sex with condom by a man, will a female loose her virginity?

Go to Planned Parenthood and have it checked out. They won't give an account your mom. You might have and infection that requests treament, so go as soon as you can!

Do I hold a yeast infection?

You don't want her to "think"you have be having sex? This is why kids should NOT own sex. You can't even be prepared for a possible VAGINAL infection. Such infections can also cause infertility when you choose to hold children.

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well...even if you have "Protected Sex" You could still be pregnated or attracted an std you should share your mom or see a doctor

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A thick ashen discharge might mean that you hold ghonorrhea. It is odd for you to win it without unprotected sex but it could ensue. Ghonorrhea is not a very serious infection if treated fast. If left untreated it can basis fallopian tubes to clog up and die, and you can become infertile. Go to a local Planned Parenthood ,they will test you and relief you out and will not tell your parents because it is super confidential.

Ladies just please..?

You need to update your mom so she can make you a doctors appointment. It may be clearly normal, but it is most feasible an infection that will need medication to clear up.

Lump surrounded by breast?

Don't be alarmed, you might have a urinary tract infection, zilch a little medication can't fix. You'll need to agenda an appointment to see a doctor. Tell your mom that your going to a friends house and get them to cart you. Good luck.

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Could be anything...might be infection that doesn't itch, trich which is passed on thru sex. Remember when you sleep with someone it's approaching sleeping with adjectives the other people he's ever slept next to and all of their sex partner in the recent past years.. I would go to doctor or Planned Parenthood (I don't thiink parent have to approve and they're confidential) to get checked..probably nought but get it checked.

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As a male, I can individual offer you support for health surrounded by general. The discoloration may be cause by a change within diet, or you may be sick without even knowing it. Yolu said that you enjoy not had any unprotected sex, which I assume finances that you have have protected sex. It is possible, however, that you are pregnant or have aquired an STD if this is the satchel as condoms and other forms of protection are not 100% perfect. Without human being knowledgeable more or less female issues, it is my evaluation that you probably should contact a doctor if you have due explanation to believe that it is pregnancy or an STD. You need to own up to your mother that you have be having sex, lone that your discharge is discolored and that you would prefer to see a doctor about it.

What is this morning after pill. i have sex yesterday and i dont want to get pregnant.?

dont worry-- alright.. if your on birhcontol at adjectives?-- i would change it. subsequent thing I would dance to the doctors on your own time.. it could be dont freak out that it could be a bacterial infection NO not yeast something else. but they'd have to find a culture. I know how uncomfortable it is but sometimes MOMS do know what its close to.. most of the time they've gone through almost if not equal experience that you've had.

On the other paw just as an view you could just deduce that maybe the unprotected sex no business what could no be the best no matter what.. sometimes if the guy isn't 100% verbs it is possible for woman to get something from him not that he's infected beside anything.. it could be that your body is just sensitive to him wether its IE his each day sweat or batrhroom habbits etc (sry for groosum detail). thought yall should know. happens * hits the adherent. what you could do is do the monistat one day .. if that doesn't clear it up or something consequently seek medical attention to double check taht its no biggy.

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Go to the doctor, you may own an infection it is better to get it treated until that time it turns into something serious.

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bite the bullet and tell mother.. that may be the merely way that you can bring to the doctor. please don't try to self treat yourself.

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