What are signs for my spell is coming?

well i am wondering what are signs of me getting my period? i am 14 and i should take it by now because my mom get it wehn she was 12 and so did my grandma and my sister get it at 12 too! when will i get mine?

Help me near my boobs?

there is no means of access to know

Is it ok to get a pap smear done while on your extent?

Bloating and sometimes cramping.

Period skipping, what's wrong?

when your body is ready.....you may experience some cramping or tender breasts a short time ago before....but dont stress you will get hold of them...then youll desire you never did....lol

Gyn help please ladies?

Well everyone is diffrent I have a cousin that was 18 until that time she got hers. you should hold and acheing back and stomache cramps, and acne, and lately in nonspecific be missriable. Sounds like so much fun doesn't it.

Water Pills?

It is sturdy to say because everyone is different. Basically if you enjoy breast buds, pubic hair, and mood swings after you are almost there.

Help I'm a 22 year old-fashioned woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

well if you are really busy then it will cart a while but signs are you getting cramps feeling lke you are going to throw up and alot of stuff happenind that invovles you body

Has anyone ever taken the birth control pill Loestrin fe? If so can you make a contribution me your input on it?

soon if not by subsequent year tell your mom to acquire u 2 a doc

Vaginal bleeding after menopause?

Doctors usually say when a girl starts to get hold of hair lower than her arms and pubic hair that you interval should start within 4 months. Some signs are..pimples, sore breasts, cramping, mood change, headaches and tiredness.

I go and get really bad menstrual cramps. any solutions? or something to dull the misery?

Don't worry nearly when you should get it. I get it when I was 15. (My mom get it when she was 18! but she be a very well person). I didnt get cramping or bloating however. Mine only started very extraordinarily light at first. simply a couple specks of blood, didnt even look like a interval. But it was. It increased after a month after that for me and after got middle-of-the-road amount.

Birth control?

don't feel desperate about yours not starting nonetheless. it will start eventually, so feel cheerful in the ways where on earth you don't have to wear a wad yet. the central and basic signs of PMS are cramps, bloating, tender or swollen breasts, stimulating mood swings, severe, out of the blue migraines, and major cravings. you may experience most of some of these when your first length comes, or only a few. study out for the signs. it may be light the first hours of daylight, but gradually, it will shift in majority amounts most of the time, except for heavy days.

How much shorter will my spell be on birth control?

My gift arrived at 14.
since everyone is different here are a few symptoms
you may experience previously the Big day.Bloating ,tender breast, headache, lower backbone ache, irritable towards everyone and everything, munchies, crying bouts,cramps.
These are freshly a few wonderful things you will get to look forward to as you approach womenhood.

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