Has anyone heard of the American Cancer Society any reducing the cost or giving free mammograms for lower?

income families? Although insurance is available through my employer, it is so ridiculously soaring I cannot afford it. I am over 40 and I should get a mammogram once a year, no longer than once every 2 yrs. With my domestic history, it should be done annually. My doctor had mentioned something nearly printing out some sort of form from the ACS site that she could sign for me and I'd be able to carry a mammogram at a significantly reduced rate, possibly free. Everything website I go to (I've be through about 100 different sites so far) have nothing within reference to such. If anyone have heard of such, I would appreciate the info or knit that I need to run to.


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Call your local chapter of the American Cancer Society (number in your phone book) or the national toll-free number, 1-800-ACS-2345. The ACS will be able to describe you about any low-cost or free mammography programs offering screening to women inept to pay for it themselves.

Call your State Department of Health (number contained by your phone book). Every state now have a Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This program offers screening to qualify women unable to payment for it themselves.

Call the YWCA's ENCOREplus Program for access to low-cost or free mammograms. To find which YWCA facilities bestow this service and if you are eligible, call 1-800-95EPLUS or your local YWCA.

Call the National Cancer Institute at 1-800-4-CANCER for the name of FDA-certified, accredited mammography services in your nouns. If you explain your financial situation, some mammography facilities are ready to work out a lower fee or reward schedule that will fashion the test more affordable. Ask the facility if they are of a mind to discuss these options next to you.

October of each year is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and several mammography facilities contribute special fees and extended hours during this month. If you are unable to agenda a mammogram another time of year, you may wish to name in September to reserve an appointment.

This may be gross but i involve to ask ?

You may want to check out the Susan B. Komen foundation, they may be able to give support to with low cost or no cost mammograms. You can also send for the ACS to get a human to speak to, I reflect they have an 800 #.

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Why don't you try contacting your local chapter of the American Cancer Society and ask them? If they are not doing the low cost mammograms, they will probably know how to steer you towards somebody that is.

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I don't know where you are located, but in attendance are programs available for low income families and for those at dignified risk. My doctor had the paperwork contained by her office here contained by western NY for testing fincluding colorectal cancer screening, pap smear and mammogram, but it may fluctuate where you are. Check beside your local hospitals and the local cancer society chapter and if there is a program surrounded by your area, they should be aware of it and be capable of direct you in the right direction. You are right, you should be checked respectively year after age 40 if there is a domestic history of cancer.

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Occasionally, you can win them for free from a large hospital during a fight. If I was you, I would ring up a few hospitals close to you and ask to speak with someone from the Mammography Department. If anyone should know, it would be them. I knkow in need insurance folks are spending too much on doctors and hospitals. Premier Health Care Savings Plan is America's #1 non-insurance alternative to reducing doctor and hospital bills, dental, prescription, vision, & more. There are no medical or age restrictions, and I would love to narrate you more about it when you find a minute.
Contact me today.........Amie Kalista, [email protected] or [email protected]

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