Girls? period ask?

i have have my period for almost two years and it's still really irregular.
should i jump to the doctors and see if somethings wrong?

I had an abortion 9 months ago I know I did it for the right origin but i regret it now how can i return with over it?

You probably don't need to verbs quite all the same. It's not uncommon for young at heart girls to have irregular period. If this keeps up for another year or so, afterwards you might want to consider seeing your Dr.

Is shaving your vagina bad?

try waiting another 6 months (especially if you hold changes medication lately or are under seriously of stress). if it doesn't calm down contained by that time then run to the doctor and try getting on the pill (it makes period more regular).
good luck!

Serious interview about bleeding from a tampon?

If you are immature I woudln't worry almost it. When I first got mine I didnt' even realize it be supposed to be on a regular basis(when it first started it was random) If you're elder I would certainly look into seeing a Dr.

Itchy problem down nearby?

i had that too... try consumption right and keeping track of it on a calendar then if it doesnt straighten out budge to the doc's.

Severe cramps on Progesterone??

At such a young age it is especially common for teenagers to hold irregular periods. It is also adjectives if you are active within sports. The pill will defintely help to brand name it regular.

Even when I get a upright nights sleep I still get the impression tired and sleepy. Any suggestions?

no your fine trust me

Is it normal for your time of year to show up?

umm i would go and win it checked out its nothing to verbs about because for the first five years of u starting your interval it will be very irreaglaur i enjoy the sam problem and i ahvnt been to the docs i would newly leave it its nought to worry about

if u want 2 settle more privaltely add my msn [email protected]

pilfer cre hunni x

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