My period is lighter than mundane.. Is it due to Tri-Sprintec and should I be worried?

Last month I started using Tri-Sprintec and I noticed that I have an extremely heavy term, but it started on the day it be supposed to and lasted for a time. This month, I began three days behind time. I first noticed that it be brown, then it turned into a ginger. Earlier in the month, I have forgot a pill and had unprotected sex near my boyfriend the day after I took the one I forgot. My cramps this month are outrageous and my boobs are huge! Do you contemplate that it is just the certainty that I'm on a new pill or because I'm pregant?

Is it typical to get your extent while on the regular birth control pills?

This medication because it is a birth control pill may be making your periods lighter.

The idea your breasts are big is because of the hormones in the medication which would also get them quite tender to the touch.

It can lug the body about 3 months to adjust to anyone on the pill.

I would definitely permit your dr know what is going on to see what they think.

As for the brown blood explicitly just frail blood. Reddish-brown blood is blood that is a bit newer than the completely brown one. New blood is bright red.

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