Lump in breast?

Ten years ago I discovered a lump in my vanished breast. After many sleepless night, lots of tears, and many, several tests, it turned out to be a benign cyst. I be 31 at the time. Since then, I enjoy yearly mammograms. Every year, I dread going. Every year, so far, I've be lucky. On Monday I had my mammogram, which have been rescheduled from 2 weeks ago. I canceled my innovative appointment because I was so afraid that they'd find something. I other thought it was foolish when women would be afraid to dance because of fear of what would be found, and later I did it myself. I just kept idea like something be going to be wrong this time. After the test, they told me everything looked fitting, and I was competent to "breathe" again-I was so relieved that my inner health were wrong! Well, I of late got a phone telephone from the hospital saying they found a lump and I have need of more tests. My grandmother died of breast cancer. Please, I stipulation some encouraging words from strong women right now-I'm so scared.

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Honey the one and only thing I can relay you is that you did the right thing you've be checking all along, so it is credible that if it is cancerous you caught it in time. As for courage from adjectives the strong ladies, look to yourself you went through adjectives of this and survived, so I say let go through it together (We'll phone call it round two) oh by the way I hope you enjoy decided approaching I have that it's going to bring to a close with a complete knockout. the antagonist won't know what hit em.
I had alot of loved ones members who died of cancer related stuff but the entity of it all is that most of them could hold prevented if they just go to their doctors in time, you did turn so we'll take it from at hand. P.S. i'm adding you to my contact account hope you do the same. If ever you requirement to talk or for somebody to simply listen or somebody to share your feelings near contact me. fire and ice. If you want we can run through it together. see u friend. My offer still stands.

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It is right that its found early near the correct diagnois and treatment you should be okay. Its good that you own taken steps already to moniter yourself on a regular basis considering your ancestral history... Stay strong and positive and if yo uneed someone to talk too I am here.sending hugs.

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try to regard positive here = it isn't always going to be cancer =it could be a cyst =a non-cancerous- tumor=crystallizing which all are not a killer =you will be just fine

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First rotten it was exceptionally smart and brave of you to go for the mammogram. The lump they found could be another benign cyst, agree to's hope. No matter what you stipulation to get it checked out. If it is something more, you turn regularly for check ups so whatever it is, it be caught earlier a bit than later. Take one step at a time. Don't surmise the worst. If it is cancer, you need to hold on to a good frame of mind. The mind and spirit are thoroughly powerful. This day and age is enormously different from your grandma's. I know women that have have breast cancer and are living full and wonderful lives. Anything is possible. I will say a prayer for you. Be strong and positive. Take thoroughness

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everything will be fine! it is still hasty, you shouldnt worry until you are sure IF it is something bleak. All you can do is pray. And i will pray for you too. God Bless!

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