If you stop taking birth control. how long does it cart for it to be out ur systym?

startd takin them in feb. stopd taking them first week of april. have not have a cycle since. doesn anyone knw how long it takes to return with the meds out the system and causes u to own a cycle? r will i not have one. til i bear them again?please help?. r do you believe im pregnant?

Orgasm 2??

Birth control should be well out of your system and no longer have any effects on it in 2 months. As soon as you stop taking birth control however you hold an increased chance of pregnancy. Even missing a dose raise the risk of pregnancy significantly.

You should have be having period while on birth control, unless you were on a continuous cycle. Even so, most empire would have have a period by in a minute. If you are sexually active and do not use alternative forms of birth control I would suggest a pregnancy question paper. It's a $10-$20 answer to this question.

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You may be ... I would enunciate that it takes roughly speaking 2 months, that's hormones as well. Also consider the tablets itself, and take a theory test or go to the obgyn.

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ive been on birth control since September 2006, and if i forget to pinch my birth control for more than like 2 or 3 days i start spotting for a moment blood. You've been bad them for almost 2 months and havn't started yet. I would dance see your doctor because you should have started more or less a week or 2 after you got rotten the pill. You might be pregnant. Go buy a test and see. If you arn't after you know but you should still go see a doctor whether or not you are pregnant, because something else can be wrong. I hope ive help

PLEASE HELP!only girls!?

I took the pill for over 10 years and when I go off them (to plan for a child)...I be pregnant two months later. It can diverge for everyone but...if you aren't using other birth control it's very likely you're pregnant.


Well, considering if you failure your pack and don't start the next one 7 days after that, you can get pregnant, yes it's possible!

Birth control doesn't embezzle too long to get out of your system, but your cycle may run awhile to return. That doesn't mean that you can't carry pregnant during this time, because who knows when you'll start up again and if you've be having unprotected sex, you highly well could be pregnant.

Go bear a pregnancy test and later whatever the result see your doctor because it's almost June immediately and you haven't had a length in channel too long.

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