Would it surprize you that a woman who is not familiar near her anatomy can still pleasure herself?

because she can ;)

When you lose your virginity?


Swimm team for the ladiees?

WHat's the query?

GIRLS ONLY: Under breasts?

How would you like me to reply to this?

Breast pain?

huh? how can you not know where it is? only type in clit on the internet and look at diagrams or something. so what are you conversation about alternatives you found?

I'm finally geared up to speak about this?

Had no model.

2 questions?Help!Girls simply!!?




PLEASE ..ERGENT!plz plz plz plz plz?

You dont need a foot to find a clit, just use a finger! Or mine!

If im nt in cycle can i be preg cos i come of period 9 days ago and have unprotected sex is it likely?

A lot of women can't find their clit so they agreement with their frustration by swillling donuts. They appear to find more pleasure eating than doing the crazed thing !

I come off my pill at the downfall of April..?

why does this matter us? It wouldnt suprise me, babies play near themselves and they font know where things are. They only grab what feel good.

What are some suitable ways to get rid of your cramps?

umm not sure where on earth the question is but that's a moment ago great for you...

oh look 2 pts!

Why does one's menstual cycle change?

good on you hun but i dont reflect on the younger viewers need to share that information :=(

Where i can find mastodyn ?

I'm betting it solitary took her 10 years to find other solutions, surely a stellar genius if at hand ever was one.

3 period this month, is that normal?

How can you not know where on earth your clit is...?

How to make the swelling shift down?

Nope, wouldnt surprise me... That was the cross-question, right? Not sure why you'd be feeling the stipulation to share that though, you must be VERY young... or masculine and trying to stir things up...

Ok Agian about the Depo sub-q provera?

I am not to familiarized with my anatomy. One point that I do know is that when I rub mine holding a guys thing within my other hand I hold orgasms very rapid. There's something about holdind a guys point that completes all of the circuits contained by self pleasing myself. He can be awake or sleeping it makes no difference you should try it.

Why do ladies own vaginal odors?

You do not learn pleasure from an anatomy book.

Before i carry my period i bring back so depressed; is what i'm eating a possible foundation for it?

Oh dear another clueless question! What is the point of this tid bit of information? Why do you discern you must broadcast your personal life approaching this and how could you not be familiar with your own anatomy? Why would we be surprised and what make you think we would even contemplation? So you can pleasure yourself congratulations! Now go wager on to your room and quit broadcasting it!

My height!?

Girl i found my clit when I be just a damn kid, I didn't know what it be but I surely found out when I got elder.and you tellin' me you didn't kno?

How can i tell this guy to leave me alone?

not a suprise

I own a question nearly the depo shot?

free points!

Frequent bowel movements and miscarriage?

I dont understand the cross-examine. and no it wouldnt surprize me

Birth control causes breast augmentation?


Girls: Have you ever hit a guy within the testicles?

i dont get it

Hysterectomy immensity gain?

and ??

Which diet stimulate and boost women sex hormones naturally.?

r u proud of that what is that suppose to be a request for information

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