2 questions?Help!Girls singular!!?

Ok my first ? is i weigh 120 i am 12 turning 13 in october i am 5 foot 4 inches is this average weight for me?or do i requirement to loose weight?my second ? is kinda odd but i need to know.I want to start using tampons but dont know how to how to enlighten my mom.when my friends invite me to go swimming i usually hold my period she have said i could try but i dont feel close to going swimming(usually invited on first day of time of year really bad cramps)with adjectives of the cramps plus i get self concious just about going through(i were a jacket aroud my spend foolishly or wear a skirt.so that cant see it).please help me!


At what age?

Hi im 13 and although im actully fairly petite (i hate the u stipulation to eat more statements) most of my friends are 55kilos too ( soz that 120lb) and if ur getting ur period ur probally more developed and that if often where on earth the weight is so dont u dare start trying to lose counterweight!

Secondly prehaps u should just ask. If it be me id probally turn the table a bit (its harder for them to get angry or reject then) something like " um mum what did u use when u be my age, is it safe for me to use tampons?" something similar to that ussuallly opens up the conversation so u can plain out ask

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im 'bout 5ft5 and i weight resembling 108lbs, so i dink ur fine...not overweight or anything.as fot the tampons... i cant help u...lol...sry :(

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Ok to start off witht he shipment, you're weight is a moment ago the limit I believe so you probably possibly just wanna generate better food choices. To the other question, merely ask your mom and say you step swimming a lot within the summer and really need to try them so you take used to them and not back out on something really fun. Hope this help! Good luck!! :-)

Normal for being on birth concontrol?

ya i guess thats averadge im 14 almost 15 wiegh 107 and am 5 foot close to 6 or 7 inches and people speak im too skinny

truthfully i would ask one of you friends thats what i did they can pretty much explain it just as moral as your parents can n its ALOT less akward

Nuva-Ring Users??

your for a moment overweight

not a lot tho

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first off, you stipulation to be comfortable with your substance, but never obsess just about being thinner, prettier, taller etc. second, i am 5'4'', 125 lbs, and athletic. I hold been that channel since i was contained by 8th grade(12 years old.) If your parents aren't high, chances are you are done growing, and you are at your fully fledged size. My parents are small and my doctor told me i was done growing in 8th status. third, these people can't convey you if you need to lose bulk. if you are 5'4'' you could be very muscular, or you could enjoy a higher percentage of body podginess. i know that my body weight and flabby percentage flucuate based on my stress stratum, menstration, and other factors. overall, you a short time ago need to be comforatble near you. eat right, and be helpful. as long as you are doing that you will be fine.

about the tampons, address your mother on this issue. she will be your best relief. if nothing else, in that are instructions in the box. i used tampons the second time i got my interval and i won't use a pad ever again.

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