Girls: Have you ever hit a guy in the testicles?

What happended to the guy?

Why am I sometimes have 2 periods within one month? My first one is normal and my second one is really really?

What no don't be endorse this.

We can die from being hit contained by the balls. The anguish is excruciating and our testicles can get wrapped around respectively other causing an even more intense twinge. The testicles continue pulling on respectively other until they pop and we can die from blood loss.

No ball punching/kicking/biting ever!!

When running, what are cramps from and how do you prevent them?

Yes and he bloody desevered it Lol.
He cryed :(

Discharge cylcle?

nope - be tempted tho - but didnt wanna ruin his likelihood of havin kiddies lol!

Has anyone tried BREAST ENHANCING HERBAL PILLS? I seen a medical show do a review on various products on the?

yes when i was playing soccer and it be on accident

Is it mundane to not have your term while breastfeeding?


What do you do when your pants teem up with CRAP (diarea) every 5 minutes?

he cryed nd have to go to the doctor

Peiord cramps?

accidently - he fell over and didnt permit me go close to him for a while -

Another virginity question?

Yeah i swung round and hit him beside my bag. He bent over and looked similar to he was gonna die. Be he's still alive 8yrs on :) thank god!

Sorry, I know this sounds really gross but?

No But I own thought about it

I newly took chocolate laxatives that expired on October 2005What is going to happen to me?

OUCH! Don't even regard that way. If women know how much that hurt...they'd probably do it more often.

When did ur boobs start growing?

Umm no..that would be cruel. It can organize to a ruptured testicle requiring emegency medical care.

Why do ladies quit giving oral after a long occupancy relationship starts?

Yes and I broke a nail. The creep deserved it asI found out that he have cheated on me with 2 other women and we be all pregnant at one and the same time. Hope it rotted off.

Should a girl be totally balding in her private nouns?

yep. didn't wait to find out what happen to him, couldn't care smaller quantity!

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