How to make the swelling progress down?

like 3 days ago i recently get a munroe piercing,but its so puffie and it looks like a pimple !! i've tried rime,and it wont go down! and i hold to go to myfriends grad tonight!

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Take an aspirin.

Also, use 1/4 teaspoon of the deep salt(make sure it is sea brackish, not the normal salt) near 8 oz of water. You can use cold dampen to try to reduce the swelling, but during usual cleaning you probably want to use warm sea. anyway, dip a cotton puff in this and put it on the outside of your piercing. do this for around 7 minutes. This will help verbs it and most likely cut back irritation. (by the way, this is the ONLY article you should use to clean the outside of your piercing. for the inside, use an alcohol free mouthwash)

Other than that, merely leave it alone. The more you touch it, the more irritated it will be.

DON'T PUT CONCEALER AROUND IT! this will totally irritate and possibly infect your piercing. If it's red, it's red. It's individual one day.

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ice is really the best prospect, or to leave it alone. it will probably be swollen for awhile, duplicate thing happen when i had my proboscis done. You could also try taking an advil, though i;m not sure this is reccommended. It is designed to locate any areas of inflammation and bring swelling down. just don't put any other products on it they will lone irritate it. A good entry for cleaning it is witch hazel which you can get at the pharmacy, its better than rubbing alcohol

Wow guys that be my younger sister asking the question earlier. LEt me fill you contained by for real.?

Use rime (make sure you are not putting it directly on your skin) leave it on for 10-20 minutes and rotten for 10-20min keep repeating this, Take Ibuprophen(Advil) every 4-6 hours (make sure you eat previously taking or it will cause GI problems) and apply triple antibiotic to save it from getting infected! GOOD LUCK!

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