3 periods this month, is that run of the mill?

i got a term this month and it was a couple weeks unpaid. it lasted a few days after stopped for a week then get another one for a couple days then it stopped for a week after came stern today. my periods are irregular and im not pregnant so should i be concerned?

Is here any other way to swim when you are have your period besides using a tampon?

Definitely see a gynecologist. This is not textbook ordinary, by any stretch of the imagination. Don't freak out, though.

I used to have start-stop period, though nothing as extreme as yours. For years, I would own 5 days of bleeding, a full day at least of zilch, then another sunshine or two of bleeding. In my case, I be found to have endometrial polyps that be (probably) flopping down and blocking my cervix, not letting the bleeding finish. Then, something would move them and the bleeding would finish.

Irregular bleeding, whether it follows my pattern or not, can be a sign of polyps or fibroids. It can also be a sign of several other things that are less benign. A schedule of possible causes that you can peruse while waiting for your gynecological appointment can be found at the website below.

I can't own sex because it's too damn PAINFUL. Help me please?

you sure should be = go to the Dr

Oh , girls whats your judgment of this study ?

You poor thing.

What are some flawless self help books?

have you changed consumption habits? because that can throw it rotten.. or exercise can too..


No, it's not normal.
Get it checked out by a doctor, incase it is something serious.
Good luck.

B Complex dosageand smell?

yes thoroughly concerned

How does your gyn tell you to undress?

i know how that surface in the channel because i got my period twice a month since april of this year until now but my finishing period be june 10 and stop for 3 days and then its started again on june 28. perchance you go to the woman doctor to put together sure and see what going on?

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