PLEASE ..ERGENT!plz plz plz plz plz?
What is it like to own a period?
If your mother give birth to you, she most likely HAS have periods at some point in her life span. Trust your mom, you probably did start your period, but a short time ago had a outstandingly light first one.
It probably be your period, unless you have any other problem (injury, sex, etc). The fisrt times may be light, resembling it was presently. And not every month. But you should be prepared. However, if it doesn't become regular soon, it is good to be checked by a doctor, to prevent any possible problems.
On my extent but still bitchy!! WHY? It's not like im PMSing.?
Not adjectives women experience cramps or PMS, especially when they first start menstrating (having periods). Some never experience PMS. If you are bleeding, you are on your period. Just thank your lucky stars that you don't have PMS to run along with it.firstly, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
and secondly, of late because you didn't hava tummy ache, doesn't plan it isn't your period. instinctively, i think it be your period, why else would blood be in attendance? if you are worried go and see your doctor or gynecologist ((person who specialises within women's stuff)) and they wil give you the answer. hope this help xXx
I'm a 20 yr old womanly - For 5 days now I can't stop wanting to own sex - AM I PREGNANT?
probly a period simply one becuse my first period be only a light of day and a half so t is regular or it could be your body is gettiing ready to start