Pap smear put somebody through the mill ! *?

is it possible to have a mundane pap swear and still have an std? ... approaching can you have an std and a everyday pap test? is the possible? or the exam would be abnormal if you do? of late wondering ! thanks

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Pap smears are not for STDs. They might know how to see on the smear but you have to hold a different test for STDs.

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Yes it is possible considering most STD's can not be found without a blood test
A pap purely tests for a mundane cervix and the cells surrounded by the cervix

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papsmear will tell you if you do own an STD for sure !

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Pap smears don't theory test for STDs. They test for precancerous or cancerous cell on the cervix. If you suspect you have an STD you hold to ask the doc/nurse to run an STD panel. Good luck and take consideration!

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u need to budge to the clinic

Didn't wait six weeks. How will I k presently if there is an infection?

A pap smear is a testing they do to check if there is any deviant growth of the cells of your cervix, if you are worried more or less STD's you need to enjoy your doctor do a separate test for them.

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I've been dringking dampen and trying to eat heathier and I don't know why i swet alot.?

Yes. The smear can be average. You have to own a blood test for STD's.

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Yes - pap smears one and only test for cervical cancer. If you enjoy concerns about STDs, those are separate test and you should talk to your form care provider going on for your concerns and get tested.

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It's possible. Say you have herpes and don't hold an active lesion/outbreak, your pap smear exam will be normal. Or read out you have a pap smear today and yesterday you have sex with someone who have an STD & you got it also, resourcefully in 1 year a pap smear may not detect it.

Gyn help please ladies?

bittersweet have the answer you are looking for

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if u have std it will show up.when u have a pap smear it shows everthing.

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It's always possible to own a false positive or a false negative on any type of audition (pap, blood, urine, pregnancy). It's called edge of error and doesn't happen repeatedly, but it is possible.

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Yes it is possible. The one and only STD that is tested for surrounded by a pap smear is HPV. All other's require a blood test. If you are worried, gross sure you ask your doctor to run tests. They do not automatically interview you for STD's when you go for your annual

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Since the Pap exam only test for abnormal cell structure on the cervical surface (indicating possible cervical change leading to cervical cancer), you can enjoy a normal Pap and still hold an STD.

If you think you might hold been exposed to something, notify your doctor; they will perform a full STD screening along near your Pap exam.

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if you have a regular pap then no. but at hand was a time when i told my doctor not to swab for STD because the pap become more expensive and i did not have insurance adjectives the time. but the STD swab is standard in the pap unless you and your doctor discuss about not doing that. if you enjoy a normal pap you should be fine

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A STD will not show up on a pap smear. And technicians running pap smears solitary look at the cervical cells for pre-cancerous tissues.

A Pap smear (Pap test) is a approach to look at a sample of cell taken from a woman's cervix. The Dr. takes a long cotton tipped applicator, rubs it around and inside your cervix, next rubs that contents onto a glass plate, thus the label smear.

The test is used to look for change in the cell of the cervix that show cervical cancer or conditions that may develop into cancer.

In order to detect STDS, different smears will hold to be taken. You need to inform your Dr. that you want the other test otherwise they do not do them automatically when doing a pap smear.

My doctor knows to run test on me annually even though I am not active as STDS can surface copious years later.

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A pap test and a check for STD are two separate things.. this is why doctors suggest that as well have having your pap regularly you should enjoy an std check every time you start a new sexual relationship.. its better to be not dangerous then sorry

How do i fashion sure that i am a vergin?

I think it single detects the STD that causes peculiar cells on the cervix which cause cervical cancer...otherwise known as HPV

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