What are flawless excercises for lower abdominals?

I want to tone my lower abs. I want to get rid of the curviness in my stomach, because my upper abs are stronger than my lower abs. How do I even it out?

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scissor kicks or even machines that focus on lower abs may abet. I also found a nice article on the web for you. Here it is:

Good Luck!!

Ladies single?

May I suggest getting ahold of a pilates dvd. It will help tone adjectives areas of your body but a lot of it deal with your abs. I bought MTV Pilates and at first found it really thorny to do cause I be really out of shape but it get easier and I found it fun to do after a while.... And it worked... Though you do have to munch through healthy as capably.

Good luck!

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sit ups

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crunches 25 within the morning 25 in the afternoon and 25 before bed .... every time

What do you have when your discharge color is buoyant green?

I have merely gotten myself into the routine of doing about 200 crunches a day- it hurts, but my saintliness it has results.
Try doing crunches near your legs bent in the heavens (keep your lower back flat on the ground) and the reverse curl and bicycle crunches are fantastic.

Just type surrounded by reverse crunches or abdominal workouts in google or yahoo and you should find a lot of metaphors to help you.

Pilates are also fantastic, try the Marie Winsor abdominal workouts.

When I play near myself it feel werid..?

You inevitability to do the AB BOOT Camp! Its a one month program that is great for those that want to seize the perfecrt abs. Alot of body builders and fitness models use this workout! IT would be great for targeting adjectives the portions of your stomachs as opposed to in recent times doing curnches
Good Luck

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