DOes putting plain yogurt in the vagina really return with rid of yeast and bacterial infection?Anyone ever tried it?


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My mother be told by a doctor to put the plain yogurt on a pad when she have a really bad infection she said that adjectives it did was slightly bear away a little bit of the itchiness. She told me that she would never do it again tho. I would say-so eating it is the best

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you do not put it in at hand, she eats it. the live cultures surrounded by the yogurt helps to take rid of the yeast infection

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I enjoy never heard of if truth be told putting it inside. Gross. Just eating yogurt help.

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plain yogurt (acidolpholus bacterium only) change the acid content of the vagina. It is considered to be slightly more powerful than vinegar douche at doing this because the bacteria can survive a afternoon or two and create a more acidic enviroment beforehand they starve to death inside of you :)

most nation simply prefer vinegar :)

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idea is that Lactobacillus (non pathogenic bacteria) will grow n replace the pathogens. But there are better treatments for these infections.

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If you own an infection better see your doctor, can be something else.

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No dummy! If you eat yougurt it will support in curing the infection. You have need of to go to the drs if you feel you hvae a yeast infection. Use your head for something more than a head covering rack!

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What?!!?!? Your supposed to eat the yogurt, not insert it into your vagina. If you hold a bad plenty yeast infection that something needs to be inserted, it should be an over the counter treatment.

Loose Vagina?

putting any type of food inside a vagina will one and only make it worse.

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