The pill comfort please, i only enjoy half an hour to opt!?

Okay so i'm on the birth control pill
i just took my end dianette pill last darkness and now i am moving on to femodette because i hold some serious side effects, my doctor said,"if you are using the pill for contreception take it the hours of daylight after you take your finishing pill or if you are using the pill for acne then pilfer it after the 7 day break"
but surely it would work as contreception even after the 7 morning break?

My boyfreind came on my belly and it may enjoy driped down, i am on birthcontrole but should i be worryed?

yes, but there might be a week when you wouldn't be protected. they say aloud it takes time to take the hormones in your system and it sounds similar to the hormone combo in the brand new pill is a little different than contained by the old one.

Im 5'5'', just about. && i weigh 130+ pounds. im under 16 also. is this majority? how much weight should i loose?

go beside what the doc says if you involve it for both contact him again to see wht you should do

I think its true?

During the 7 days you are stale the pill there is no protection against pregnancy, the minute you start taking it again you are put money on to being protected

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Yes it will work as a contraceptive, unsurprisingly.
The doctor was simply warning you that during those 7 days you'll be lacking ANY birth control.

I should have gotten my time on may 1st but have tested refusal on several urine test?

yes it will still work as a contraceptive, a short time ago dont exceed the 7 days. that is how you acquire pregnant. perhaps your doctor know what a lot enjoy not yet relized, the contraceptive effects are better if you do not whip the entire 7 day break or if you merely take it every few months to some extent than monthly

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its going to be rock-hard to find a different pill, because each body responds to respectively individual pill differently, someone may be using one pill and be perfectly fine next to it, then you run it and gain 10 pounds. So, really the only party you can ask for for help is your doctor, they would be more accurate, but try looking up some of them on webmd.

Everyone know Britney Spears cut her hair to avoid a drug theory test.?

There is a chance that you might release an egg if you dally the 7 days because of the different hormones in the different pack. I would suggest either taking as directed for birth control, or use condoms for the subsequent month.

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Follow the DOCTORS instructions.

During the sexual intercousre, entire sperm is poured in to the vagina even during the ovulation times.?

Plain English if you are have sex you need to maintain taking them to prevent pregnancy

If you are not having sex keep on the 7 days

Even if you are taking them for acne but you are having sex rob them

Once you stop taking them there is a length of coverage but it is different for all woman

Some are still trying to hold a baby after two or three years after stopping the pill

While most women hold to wait to enjoy children there are adjectives ways some who if they are a few hours late taking the pill they can conceive

I met this women who have 10 children for some of them she conceived when she was on the pill and her hubby be using a condom. It broke.

What will happen once I stop taking birth control pills?

Yes, it probably would, but I would use extra advise for a few weeks. I don't think within is a birth control pill in existence that doesn't hold serious side effects. Anything that changes your hormones have to cause side effects because your body is designed to resist unnatural change. Having had blood clotting issues because of birth control, I own to urge you to find a different, non-hormonal method of birth control. A blood clot rupturing in your brain or lung can be deadly, and doctors and creators of birth control do not pilfer those risks seriously enough because of the almighty dollar. You own to make the decree yourself because you are the only being in the secure that isn't being financially rewarded by it. Do the research and put together an informed decision.

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