I'm a 21 y/o college womanly that desires some lend a hand please?

I'm low maintenance. My idea of getting arranged in the morning is taking a bath, brushing my teeth, slipping on jeans, t-shirt, & my with the sole purpose tennis shoes, run the brush through my very coarse, black hair (it's still this track even w/a super perm) & putting on a hat/hood/scarf. I don't even dress up for church b/c it upsets me that ppl want you too b/c I don't think Jesus cares & what roughly poor ppl. I'm going clothes shopping today w/my mom & I'm thinking about changing my style. What do you meditate?

Answers:    I say do what makes you comfortable, who care what anyone else thinks! If your comfie in jeans after wear jeans! As for your complexion, I have heard that tea tree grease works but have never tried it. I also heard that witch hazel works (and its kinder to your skin than alcohol, I do use this once contained by a while). What helped me was to cut out foods/snacks that have a lot of oil within them; cheese, chips, chocolate and to wash my face normally. I also don't wear make-up because it clogs the pores and makes you break out more, you can still be pretty near just some lip gloss and eyeliner/eyeshadow..
Well first, you should get hold of rid of your acne. Other people don't like looking at it and it's pretty impossible for your skin. And drink a lot of water, it help with the acne.
Its your choice, but I do think you should give somebody a lift some care into buying some more clothes. You might not think that appearance is earth-shattering but it is. It's your first impression to people and they will mediate you by the way you look (even though it's not right).
Last, even when you go somewhere similar to church, it's nice to show some respect and that also comes with the way you dress. If your school assembly the president you wouldn't go wearing jeans and a t-shirt would you? God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are more important than anybody so you shouldn't praise them surrounded by a wrinkled shirt..
I've never heard of tea tree oil for acne, but tea tree grease for the hair is really good as okay.

If you want to change yor style, go for it, lately make sure it's something that you won't be too self-concious to wear..
well you and I appear to be very similar... as I sit her in jeans and a t-shirt beside my hair in a ponytail.. I do "spiffy up" for somethings... but my thoughts on it is bear me as I am... either like me or don't it doesn't issue... As for Changing your look that is totally up to you, don't think you hold to cause someone else for example Mom, wants you to look more similar to a girl... or more refined. Just be you.. If you want to change for you, after go for it ! I change my style like mad... I vary from country girl to goth, to refined business woman, to slouch.. I'm simply me !! And I suggest the same for you...

As for acne... I have it too... I turn 29 TOMORROW... and I still break out... I found that PROACTIVE ROCKS ! Also the tea tree grease stuff is good... try proactive its great and not that expensive... they have this slayer mask that will pin point zits, and have a green tea lotion that calm the skin... just remember to ware sun block...

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