Women only please: this is extraordinarily hard to allow and very crushing?


I hate it approaching I feel depressed when I..mastubate! argh eww(I know!) but Im trying to stop but its so not easy like i cant more than a month which is so not enuogh!I want to stop permanetly?Im kinda addicted to it(I started doing it when i be just 8 or 7 yrs!) im 14 in a minute!!

god like please sustain I hate myself for it how can I STOP and please dont make clear to its normal and adjectives that crap!!(Im sorry but i REALLY cant stand myself)

All about condoms?

Hey .... What is wrong next to masturbating and pleasure ?

Do you think I'm nuts?

What's wrong near pleasure?

Is it ok to be pregnant at the age of 46?

simple indulge yourself in somethings that will make you busy approaching sports or join goings-on in conservatory so that you will not think of it anymore,,
build yourself busy ,,=)

How likley is it to get pregnate while on peiroid?

just dream up about majority stuff and masturbate once every day, try maintain away from hot chicks.

Umm embarrassed but serious cross-examine?

i don't know. maybe you can presume about your mom or grandma every time.. so you will be disgusted and not want do it..

however. it might head to bad psychological thinking afterwards

A sexual ask sorry if too graphic?

I have a problem with it too... I like it, and then after I feel so dirty and depressed like you. I prayed close to h-core first of all. But to be honest, simply don't do it. It might be hard, but the route to get rid of a fruitless habit is to replace it near a good way. Whenever you feel "horny", turn and do something that will take it away, approaching... exercise. Get out of the bathroom or your room or any place you could lock yourself in and masturbate within without anyone knowing. Don't look at porn.. don't predict yourself having sex next to anyone either.

The method I stopped... I threw out everything that I could masturbate with, and I honest to God tried my hardest to stop. Sometimes I slip up and do it again, but it doesn't final for as long because I know that I'll feel discouraging in the extension. I hate masturbating. Wait for your awesome guy that will love you forever that you win married to, it'll be right and awesome and you won't feel depressed after.

Where and how?

personaly i dont c y u wana stop sumthing u evidently wallow in doing but anyway...like some of the others said do things to hold u busy or try to avoid a situation that will make u wana masturbate. an the human being that said that u should wait 4 ur man to along is nuts cos sum general public still masturbate when they married.

Women's bacterial vaginosis?

I hate that your story is so much close to mine when I was your age and afterwards I looked at your sign in cross and it's the same as the one my best friend given me as a cut name.
I remember doing it so much relatives would walk surrounded by on it.
It is a desired pleasure not much to worry give or take a few.
You really can't mentally stop it when it is only and in recent times you nothing wrong next to it.
I had to read non-fiction books and next I'd fall asleep.
You'll swot later surrounded by life (like 5+yrs from now)how to show males the exquisiteness of your sexuality.
If you really want write your sexual feelings out earlier doing it, would make for a great book subsequent when age will allow.
I really hope we talk again!

Why such severe paw & feet swelling right until that time my menstrual cycle or period? Any herbal nouns?

The reason you do it is because it's devout for you. Your body releases chemicals that make you well again and happier when you experience pleasure.

The reason it depresses you is because you've be taught that it's evil. It's not.

Your body know what it's doing. Let it.

Why do my nipples get tough.?

alot of people touch the same, so do i. im not sure why though. i used to surface like that after have sex.

you just own to remeber that it is healthy and its not against the statute

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