Umm... embarrassed... but serious request for information?

I'm embarrassed to ask or even speak in the region of this but I have to.

Ok... I'm a 24 year weak woman and I have be having this problem since I be a little girl: Bed wet!
I shouldn't be battling this problem at my age still but I do.
When I be a little girl I use to drizzling my bed every night... My parents would take mad adjectives the time because I would have to get hold of a new mattress every year. I tried every possible solution when I be younger. From not drinking liquids after 6 to taking pills. Ive tried them adjectives. When I woke up dry (which was remarkably rarely) it would be a good dark.

Now that I am 24 I dont wet the bed as repeatedly (maybe like once every two weeks) but its still method to much for my age. I thought I would have grown out of it by presently.

So anyways... does any one else have this problem still as an full-size or am I just a freak..? or does any one possibly enjoy any solution to my issue...? I'm very clear to this particular T-junction.

Can you be pregnant with tubes tied?

You're not a freak... this happen to a LOT more young adults than you might guess. I was like way as you growing up... I raining every night until I be about 12, and my parents and doctors tried more or less everything you could think of near no success. I be always simply told that my bladder be too small for my age and I would "grow out of it"... but as I found out the hard style, some people purely never do. I'm now within my late 20s and still showery the bed maybe once a month on average, although it go up and down some from there -- it's worst when I attain really tired, behind on sleep, or lower than a lot of stress.

Unfortunately in attendance are really no easy solutions to this (if I have one, believe me, I would tell you!!). One point that I think help reduce my number of damp nights be this exercise that I was told would strengthen the muscles of my bladder... deeply, when you go to the bathroom to urinate, try to stop the flow of urine mid-stream and hold it for 10 second before you consent to it go again... later do it again 1 or 2 more times if you can before you finish. It will probably be frozen to do at first but with practice you can acquire better at it. This makes the muscles at the outlet of your bladder stronger so that they can stand more pressure during the dark before you drizzly. As you can tell it didn't manufacture it completely go away for me but I judge it did help make smaller the number of wet night... now I can stir up and stop myself just as I start to raining a lot more normally than I could before.

I really hope this is of assistance to you; anyway I think it be the most helpful entry to me out of the zillions of things I've tried! Since you've had this your complete like it's probably not a serious form issue... probably just that your bladder never completely "outgrew" the problem, which happen to a lot more citizens than you would ever think... most of them are probably style too embarrassed to communicate about it only just like you are! Hopefully you will find a channel to make it stop completely, but but for, please don't let it affect your judgment of who you are (it really doesn't change who you are!) or your capacity to socialize or do anything else... even when it comes to sleeping in places away from home, there are a LOT of population out there who will twig your condition and won't judge you or anything if it happen. I'm engaged to be married to a wonderful girl who know about my problem and is completely accepting of me regardless... and in attendance are a lot of other honest people out here like that. :)

Take support and best of luck! If you want to talk more more or less anything, please feel free to dispatch me an e-mail by clicking on the link surrounded by my profile.

Day or night?

Talk to your doctor.

After have sex my husband's semen comes out?

Have you had your doc check the size of your bladder? It may be undersized. My younger brother's be way small and he go on meds to increase its size and that helped.

Lose consignment?

I think you should see a doctor. There may be something going on inside you. Good luck.

How come i sweat so much?

Have you see a doctor about this (a urologist might be a worthy choice)? I'm wondering if there may be a physiological issue here that be never addressed within childhood and is still giving you trouble today.

You're not a freak!

Hang in there,

Can a girl's point grow 3or 4 years after her puberty starts?

Have you considered a catheter? Rubber sheets? Are you even serious?

Have you had yourself checked for diabetes?

Empty your bladder until that time you go to sleep (as I'm sure you already do). Set an alarm to move about off within the middle of the night, relieve yourself, progress back to bed.

Im a guy and i deduce im getting a period what should i do?

Talk to your Dr in the order of this. My friend was have the same problem and found out she have diabetes (I'm not sure if that's a common symptom, but for her it be how she found out) Don't be embarassed, obviously near is nothing wrong near YOU, your body is just acting up. I hope you're competent to get into the Dr department soon.

DOes putting plain yogurt in the vagina really get rid of yeast and bacterial infection?Anyone ever tried it?

See a doctor, see a doctor, please. It could be any number of medical conditions involving your bladder, and in that are medications for them, don't be anxious, talk to a doctor.

Does anyone else own this?

I have a friend who did that untill she be like 22. She finally go to the doc and they gave her some pills to bring in her bladder stronger. Her bladder was delicate making her pee when she was asleep. Even during the morning she had to wear those big ol pad. I would just verbalize to your doc and they can help you. Good Luck!!

Diet and excercise sound out!!?

I would check with your doctor.. I have this problem when i was a child.. and they have to go contained by a stretch my kidney tubes..bc they didnt grow properly with my body.. therefor i couldnt hold it adjectives night.. no adequate "room"... soo i would just check and see if that if a possble problem.. sorry for the inconvience.. i know it sucks..

Can you engineer your breast's larger? and if so how?

go talk to a dr and please dont be ashamed. it may be treatable

I only just started my period yesterday?

I showery the bed until I was 15. I eventually grew out of it. And I also tried everything from the pills to the not drinking liquid after 6. I found that if I stayed up until at least 1, I wouldn't drizzly the bed. But eventually I just concluded up wearing pullups for young children. It be extremely embarrassing buying them, but I would buy the boy mode so noone would even have the hit and miss of suspecting it was me that wore them. I go to my doctor time and time again and they never really helped me any. So my best warning would be to wear some sort of adult diaper at dark and take a suitable shower in the morning and afterwards go to your doctor and produce sure you have a method of solving the problem.

Only from girls, is it true that short highted girls have more deeper vagina?

Make an appointment beside a urologist.

Women only please!!?

Because of the embassment of bed wetting---you are depressed--- it is a cycle and that make you more embarrassed and depression more wet the bed. I would not like to be surrounded by your sheets if you have a man stay over and you stay awake adjectives nite--so ya won't wet the bed. Depression can impose a deep sleep and you do not know that you are wet the bed until it wakes you up. If your ancestral doctor or specialist cannot find the problem. Look in the yellow page for a psychologist/psycaicrist--litt... drug therapy.

Is there`s any mode that creates back the hymen which is already broken?


Tampons? GIRLS ONLY! answer.?

It sounds approaching your pelvic muscles could be weak. Here are instructions for pelvic muscle exercises, used "to prevent the involuntary loss of urine by strengthening the pelci floor muscles". I am quoting the following entirely from my nursing textbook:

"Frequency: make 60 times daily for at lowest 6 weeks, ideally working up to 150 contractions daily contained by several sessions of at least 15 exercises per session. Can do this lying, sitting or standing.

First, identify the pubococcygeal muscle by contracting the muscle that stops the flow of urine. Do NOT do this regularly when urinating.

Next, not tell the truth down and insert your finger about three station of the way up your vagina. Squeeze the vaginal wall so you perceive pressure on your finger and sensation in your vagina.

Method: Tighten your pubococcygeal muscle and hold for a period of 3 second.
Relax this muscle for an equal period.
Repeat the contraction-relaxation cycle (one exercise) for your planned number of times.
Breathe normally during the exercise and do NOT tighten other muscles at like peas in a pod time. Be careful not to contract your legs, buttocks or abdominal muscles while contracting your pubococcygeal muscle.
Repeat this exercise on a daily basis for a totaly of 60-150 exercises.
For each of the each day sessions, vary your position (ie make exercise while lying down in morning, standing in the afternoon, sitting at night)
Gradually increase the duration of each exercise up to a count of 10 for a contraction and 10 for a relaxation."

Many of my professors enjoy recommended this when teaching on urinary incontinence. This exercise is recommended by doctors and nurses. Hope it may be of assistance to you, and I would also recommend seeing a doctor to peak out other possible causes.

Birth control Question ?

Bed wet is usually related to stress. But being 24 you may want to yak to your GYNE or urologist about it. Perhaps your problem is medically related. the entry I can tell you for sure, if you want to achieve better, you'll need to find out exactly what is wrong. If you enjoy no physical reason for bed wet your physicain will refer you to somebody who can help yo stop and own a normal enthusiasm.

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