How do I explain to my brother what "SEX" is?

he is 10 years old and just asked my what sex be, IM 17. well, he told me he was to embarresed to ask mom and dad. Im not sure what to narrate him, i just said i will tell him latter? what should I SAY TO HIM?Help!!

Is it possible to conceive at 47 years of age beside fibroids .?

I see all of these questions arn't helping, huh? Well, let hear my perspective. At age ten, maybe he should know, or not. If yes, read this. If no, skip wayyy down.
YES: Don't say any words envolving, a dink, hole, or sperm. JUst detail him this. When a boy and girl get together, they go through a special process. A egg is fertilized inside the girl, and it hatch inside of the girl,and grows,and it comes out of the girl [ if he asks why you can decide how to answer that ^_^]. A boy and girl are both needed. Thats why boys and girls our in this world. If he asks anymore say aloud farther in school you will swot up [ which is true].
NO: Tell him you are very sorry, and you must wait until institution tells you, or, go ask your parents.

Tampon cross-question?

Don't read aloud anything, that's your parents job. I would go to your mom and dad and notify them that he just asked you. Then one of them can tell him more or less it, this way he doesn't have to ask them and you don't enjoy to tell. I think my parents would enjoy been upset with me if I told my little brother. He's still pretty babyish, definitely consult your parents first. If they say it's okay for you to report him and they don't want to then go for it. Don't stir into too much detail, he doesn't need to know about things close to foreplay or oral. Just tell him the basics and use the correct argot. Good luck!

Yeast infection..why is it call that?

Honestly he about the age where they are in position for the sex talk and if he doesn't feel comfortable chitchat to your parents you should talk to him. You really should just pass him the facts though, don't glamorize it in any way and bring in sure you tell him the consequences. Don't scare him and agree to him ask questions. He obviously trusts you so brand him feel good roughly his decision to come to you.

What can I do so that process my boobs will grow?

well i hold a lil brother who is 11 and im 16 he hasn't asked yet but if he does i will tell him somthin resembling its when 2 people who realy care nearly each other and they are serious they may want to. but then not at your best say sex is just when a girl and a man do surrounded by private. and also do not go into details my mom gave me the sex speak and its makes me want to do it more but i am still a virgin. and proud of it.

Havent gotten my extent surrounded by resembling two months, but pregnancy test read out not pregnant?

Tell him... he's old adequate to understand.
If he was resembling 5 or something, i'd wait.

My sister asked me where babies come from - i told her to walk ask dad, she was like no i want you to convey me! but i didn't lol. She's 4!

Pimples on boobs?

Tell him the truth.
dont say words like dick or cock though.
articulate the proper terms and explain what comes out of sex.
Be mature and he probably will too.

Should I still see the gynocologist?

try these tips. right luck.

Health insurance within USA?

just say its what a man and a woman do when they are contained by love and want to have a baby.

I'm 11and i own little white dots contained by my underwear is discharge or what please support me.?

I wouldn't let somebody know him yet. 10 is pretty young.

Is it undamaging for a 20yr ancient trying to munch through condition, rob mutivitamins?

of late say you'll learn when your elder

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I hold thsi issue please relieve!?
I lug the pill cerezette but i hold pcos?
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