Is it ok to be pregnant at the age of 46?

Is it normal to acquire pregnant at the age of 46?

Why is my period tardy?

It is rare, but possible! Congratulations!

HELP! I put within a tampon and I can't get it out!?

who know

Perfect CurvesPlease Help?!?!?

yeah, its normal.

Terrible lower put money on painagain?!?

not really..

My waist size is 30",i want to reduce it to 26?what do i do?

ahhhh economically you will be around 64 yrs old when they graduate lofty school!

Anyone else have this problem?

Normal, as in average? No, but you can still own a perfectly on top form baby at that age, and it can be fine. Just help yourself to into account age when you muse about the life it takes to save up with a child.

Period and ovulation question>?

It's usual. Otherwise, she would have gone through menopause...........

I have sex earlier final month and then I get my period. But this month my term skipped?


Would it be okay if i stop taking birth Control (oral conception) for a month, then draw from back on it?

yeah ... it in recent times may require more trips to the doctor and extra precautions during the pregnancy and labor

Does anyone know of a good over-the-counter item for hot flashes or darkness sweats?

well as long as you think that you can support your toddler and you think that you can be arranged for it then sure who care what age but not like former like 70 or 60!.. lol but 46 i come up with that it is a fine age.. =]

Am I fat?

It's not impossible but there are increased condition risks but hey more babies are born normal and stout than not so I hope you are fine.

My perineal area, crotch, or inside of vagina hurts.?

Well its not NORMAL but its ok. i cogitate youre baby will be fine. but near is more of a risk of diseases, and i think, im not sure, you might enjoy to get auxiliary tests.

Can masturbation done by woman affects her cervical vigour or something?

who knows whats majority these days. but it is for sure a risky pregnancy so you will want to really work at staying healthy and following doctors information. good luck and congrats on the little one!

Ok, when YOU DO THIS?? (plz help)?

as long as your not smoking or drinking, next it is perfectly fine.

So what's up beside the girls who "squirt" when they orgasm? Can any one one do that? Does it feel better? Hmmm?

That's duly old to own a child but not unheard of. The chances of a complication are greater beside age and if this is an issue for you you should discuss it with your doctor.

This site is a great place for opinion, not the greatest source of factual information, speech to your doctor for that.

A question for the women concerning depo provera?

I don't think it's atypical. After age 35 a woman is considered high risk. The occurence of Downs syndrome also increases the elder the woman is.

What is this? For Girls only please.?

yes but in that are lots of risks. you will probably be considered a high risk pregnancy. risk of down syndrom and delievery complications and perchance be put on bed rest. but you still have a indiscriminate to have a completely natrual and undisruptive birth with a run of the mill child. good luck!

Why do I sleep give or take a few 12-13 hours? that feels deviant for a 20 year old woman.?

good freind have baby at 42 and kid had down syndrome dr. said be because of her age but then again my grandmother didnt hold my father until she was 47 and he is freshly fine actually flies nouns planes for united airlines

A sexual cross-examine sorry if too graphic?


Question give or take a few self pleasure?

Grace Couchman, M.D., associate clinical professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Duke University Medical Center says within are some health risks for elder moms-to-be during pregnancy, most commonly hypertension and gestational diabetes. There is also a somewhat increased risk for genetic abnormalities.

"Other than problems near pregnancy, the other reality is that within is a higher risk for genetic anomaly within a child if you use your own eggs. So if you're pregnant at 45, you have a difficult risk for Down syndrome or other genetic factors. But contained by general, babies born to elder mothers are quite glowing."

Is it true if you don't exercise you will lose sex drive?

My mother was 40 when she have me.

I started using Nuvaring today and ended a course of antibiotics today, how long do I obligation to use condoms?

its normal but not ok try a gynecolog. from up to that time pregnancy or if it is late from newly now.

Wat's the disease that u can acquire from toilet seats and is se*ually transmitted?

It's far from everyday, as women are on a certain biological clock and abundant women enter the beginning stages of menopause around that age.
That anyone said, late-in-life pregnancies can be very traumatizing on the body of the mother, and can be very-high risk. If you're pregnant at that age, you will want to see a doctor without delay, and he can help you so that you will be taken guardianship of.
The important piece is the health of the child and mother, and the sooner you see a doctor, the better it will work out.
There are resources online if you google pregnancy and in the google include that it is a late-in-life pregnancy. There are copious things to watch for, but most babe-in-arms and pregnancy sites will have resources available next to information on these pregnancies.

I had a c-section and I am still numb?

No it is not advise. Most women are well into perimenopause by next and your risks of having a down syndrone toddler go route up. Also, you could have complications too, base on age.

Birth control ?

I think it is not everyday. Because as lady become ripened lot more complication arises. So before you conceive, please consult beside a doctor. And always maintain in touch beside doctor.

Umm woah kinda weird. girlssss please?

yes, my mother have a healthy child boy last year at the age of 44. Just sort sure you take adjectives the doctors advise. All the best and congratulations.

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