Periods (women only please)?

Ok, i don't have any cramps really but i grasp this stuff in an unwanted place and im 13 but i enjoy no pubic hair!! and my friends are 12 and they hold there period!! i got this funny inkling though its around in that nouns its sorta itchy at times. i know its gross. i dont want to be the last contained by my class! can someone tell me what the awareness is like when your just about to get it or the signs of puberty.

me tink me grew some ball n mes a gurl iz dat normal?

The itching is more than promising a yeast infection.
If you're not sexually active consequently yeast infections are caused by antibiotics or bubble baths. Your mother will be capable of help you. As to the rest of your question ... in due time sweety ... zilch you can do to hurry it along.

YOU'RE already showing signs of starting your period! That STUFF is vaginal mucous which routine you're ovulating!

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Dont you have a mother that you can homily to? If not, go to your academy nurse.

For woman. Is it okay to swim while your on your period beside out tampons?

Sometimes if it's itchy for several days it could be a sign of a yeast infection, and can be treated with over the counter medication. But parley to your mom or another trusted adult friend.

Don't be too worried more or less not having started even so. We used to call it "the curse" because it make you feel bitchy, it can start when you are lowest prepared (like camping out within the middle of nowhere) or on a long road trip with the own flesh and blood you babysit for.

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Ladies lone?

if it itches a lot yak to the nurse or your mom, something could be wrong
as far as not wanting to be the last surrounded by your class...don't worry going on for it. Periods are a pain contained by the butt to deal next to and I personally be very glad I didn't start until I be 14. That is 2 years less than most of my friends have to deal near it. When we got elder they admitted they be kind of overprotective that I didn't have to operation with it and risk embarassing situations in middle institution like they did.

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yes, I can tell you.

Bra Problems!?

Go to the library or the bookstore and gain a book for girls that has adjectives these things in it. The one I bought for my daughter was "All something like girls". It sounds like to me that you are only starting puberty and you will not start your period until you hold some pubic hair. If you are have a discharge you could have a yeast infection (vaginitis) and if you also are experiencing itchy you probably do. There are over the counter products for that. If you hold a close female relative please settle to her about this.

What to do nearly an itchy vagina?

You don't have to verbs about getting your term late. I get my period at 10. I have pubic hair at 8. I almost not had breast. Your interval may feel resembling you have to do number 2, but when u stir to the bathroom, u see blood. Don't be alarmed! The itchy stuff maybe freshly the discharge you get newly before you start your extent. So, it may be around the corner soon.

Hello to all the women out near, would you rather own small breasts or large breasts and why?

there aren't any really.
believe me though, one the last contained by your class is a blessing.
periods suck.
it doesn't nouns like you will be getting yours soon, however. you don't enjoy any hair and you are still youthful.

How long should a girl wait to use a tampon after she starts her term?

Don't worrying about mortal the last surrounded by your class. Growing up is no race, I promise you that.

If you are especially itchy and enjoy greenish "stuff in an unwanted place" you could own a yeast infection- which you should probably get checked out by a doctor and hold medication for. Yeast infections are common and are a short time ago an overgrowth of bacteria that wants to be controlled- so don't worry if you own one.

If the "stuff in an unwanted place" is merely clear or light colored- it is completely middle-of-the-road and everyone gets it. (females at least) Usually when you start getting that "stuff" it vehicle that you will start your period inside the year. Don't worry roughly speaking it and don't think going on for it. Ages vary- I was 12, my best friend be 14. Good luck :-) And I'm sorry you don't have a mom!

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If it itches ask the nurse in your university or go to a doctor but I bet the nurse would know what to do.

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Just because your friends at age 12 own had their extent doesn't make you any different than them, everyone is get them at different ages, I have hear of and have specified teen not to get them until they be 17/18 years old. Don't rush it, it will come soon ample. Signs of a period is also different for everyone; Feeling bloated, chest discomfort, chocolate cravings, grumpy at times even when it doesn't seem resembling you should be, lower back spasm, pain surrounded by that area(in or on), headaches, irritated, and usually hair start growing in places before that also. Itching otherwise could mean a yeast infection. You could ask your arts school nurse about it or even your ancestral doctor. Sometimes it helps to know what age your mother and grandmother started their period also. If they were subsequent on theirs then you could be also.
Good Luck. Hopes this Helps.

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Okay agree to's see, Your probably itchy cause your going to start growing pubic down and the noraml signs of puberty are getting pubic and underarm hair, you may or may not take cramps with your first interval you'll just hold to be patient hon. Your childish, enjoy it and everybody develops surrounded by there own time. Don't stress you'll probably be going through adjectives the motions of being a woman soon ample and feel similar to most women and hate your spell and be reaching for the midol to releive your cramps. Don't grow up to fast sweety, only just be happy to be a kid.

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there's this website, its a website on girls. they have articles roughly puberty, u can ask questions and a perfetional will email you your answers, u can read other questions/answer, you can swot up how to use a tampon, and many other things! u should check it out, i imagine you'll learn adjectives you need to know. appropriate luck!

Marina coil?

Aw u poor thing beside no mam! Why not talk to a close womanly relative ((aunties e.t.c)). By the way the 'stuff' is probably discharge and you should enjoy it from 6 months to a year before your period start, and just because your friends hold their periods doesn't scrounging you should. Every girl is unique.

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