How to smoothly delay your time of year and FAST!?

so i am going to camp surrounded by 2 days and im pretty sure that im going to start my period the 1st morning. my periods are really strapping for the 1st two or three days. so i was wondering if anyone know a natural road to delay your extent (no pills or anything like that) and FAST! or how to receive my period lighter at smallest! or if anyone has any suggestions of how to bring in my period more confortable while at military camp!! thanks a ton!!

Please lend a hand..?

I am afraid you won't be able to stop your length at this time, or make it lighter. What requests to come out of your womb has be developing for 2 weeks, and there is singular one way out!

I don't know what sanitary protection you usually use, but it sounds approaching your best option would be to use both tampons and towels together - the tampon does the key job, and if it does discharge, the towel is there as backup.

It won't revision your period (NOTHING can at this stage, not even the pill) but at smallest you shouldn't be too disrupted by trips to the loo...Suerte

Should i go to this doctor when my other doc is out?

sorry, but this is something we only have to live beside. Other than by using birth control pills, there is no style to pick when you get your extent, or make it lighter. Sucks doesn't it?

K i looked-for to ask women (im a guy)?

if you're not looking for pills, then i dont know what you could do. birth control pills are supposed to be taken the first light of day of your cycle so that they'll usually be ontime, but thats all i know. i'm sorry. let moral fibre take its course honey. worthy luck!!

I got slammed surrounded by the abdomen beside a kickball could that hurt your stomach/insides?

there is no possible way, (natural or beside pills [no matter what anyone tell you]) to delay, shorten, blanch, get rid of, or stop your term. it just adjectives has to do next to your body, and its cycle. thats the thing next to girls, your period other wants to show its revolting face when your on time off, or camp or beside your boyfriend or any time you actually want to delight cant. im sorry though hun.

GF just have period..Plan B effects?

Sorry girly, but I deliberate youre out of luck. I really dont think theres a mode to control it. I think its Motrin though that should comfort with cramps at most minuscule so you hopefully wont be so uncomfortable. Good luck!

Morning sickness, but not pregnant?

You can't. Just engender sure you have plenty of tampons or pad.

Female Ejaculation.?

There is of course no untaught way to do this tablet pregnancy. The 2 standard techniques which do work are any to run 2 pill packs together or use norithisterone.

Wat can i do 4 my stage?

nothing can! if you want it... it's not easy. you should pocket a bath every thirty minuites!

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