Girlie's Please Help!?

Hi there girls, I enjoy an embarrassing problem, I own small white and red spots around both nipples. Also to add to the problem, I enjoy a greeny liquid coming from both nipples GOD HOW EMBARRASSING!!. Have not all the same seen my GP, am slightly worried. Any help next to this would be greatly appreciated ladies.
Many Many Thanks
Kind Regards

My period is freaking me out!!?

The discharge may be due to the fibrocystic disease. However, such greenish discharge is also all your own for an inflammation of the breast ducts called mammary duct ectasia which is not usually related to an underlying cancer nor does it put you at greater risk than the typical for breast cancer. Ectasia is an inflammation of the breast ducts that is not cause by bacteria. While it is usually a benign process, it can sometimes look resembling a cancer on a mammogram and thus will most likely require a biopsy

Haven't started my time. I'm 13.?

Get to a doctor fast...

Normal Period?

that does NOT nouns good. you definately should be asking a doctor!! Good luck =(

Help plz!!?

Go see your doctor. That's not the tiniest bit normal.

Question for women with the sole purpose, please. No silly answers, thanks?

To the doctors ASAP.

I havent started my extent?!?

You probably have an infection. Get down to the docs ASAP.
Nothing serious Im sure.

Pain while urinating and blood too !!?

ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!! turn see a doc and dont lie to seize attention!! ya

Can i still have a babe-in-arms?

that is deffinently discharge seeping through your nipnips! it may be something as serious as an sti! or it may in recent times be a little entity! just progress see your lady doctor as soon as possible! this could obtain serious, and not to scare you, but could result contained by coma or death!! seize you nipnips fifixed!

Is there a karma of pregnancy even if i got my interval 3 days after the intercourse?

Small white bumps around the nipple is normal. Those are lately from the naturally occuring grease. However, NOTHING should be coming from your nipples unless you are nursing a baby. Get it checked out ASAP!!

Is it everyday for your period to rework this way from age?

you obligation to take a pregnancy tryout

Do you feel more womanly or more disgusted and gross when you hold your monthly period?

never hear of anything like it - I own heard if you receive a discharge from your nipples it could be cancer - get it checked out immediately!

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My bff had a spasm during her abortion,and she has never have a seizure in the past,why do you think that crop up?

Green liquid?! Go ask a grown-up or a friend who's devout with this stuff, but i reccomend seeing your doctor.

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Don't be embarrassed! Seriously though, I'm not a doctor but you almost undeniably have an infection. It could be that one of your milk ducts in your breast have become infected, causing the nipple discolouration and the discharge. You involve to get it see to ASAP, get an appointment beside a doctor straight away to avoid any complications or any other symptoms. I'm not trying to scare you - I'm sure a important course of antibiotics will scare it away.

Late dark eating badhelp!?

it could be a side effect from the pill if ur on it
its proberly ur milk ducts
u should still stir to ur GP
ya know....just incase
goodluck sarah jane
hope evrything works out 4 u :)

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uh oh, sounds pritty serious, my first question is if you enjoy ever had a nipple piercing or implant, both can have seriouse infections excpecially the implant i have hear storys about a woman who have mold coming from her nipples...yuck, but i am no doctor i would call a doctor and see what they enjoy to say and wether or not to jump in and return with it checked out,

good luck i hope every point turns out fine

Plz help me today?

wow some society are immature.
Don't verbs about it sweetheart, step to your doc and I'm sure s/he will give you some antibiotics to clear up what is almost absolutely an infection. Give it a couple of weeks and you should be good to run!

Good luck :)

For depo users is this normal or have happened to you ?

well i also own the spot problem but i'm afraid i can't help u next to the liquid piece soz:( but i wouldn't worry nearly the spot thing :) :D

Getting rid of stretch results?

Go see your doctor NOW. Get over the embarrassment. Your vigour is too important.
I tight it. See your GP as soon as possible.

Um my right breast is bigger than the other..?

You should definitely shift to your GP, it sounds like you own some kind of infection. Don't be feeling shame...doctors see this kind of piece all the time. Arrange an appointment beside a female GP and this should run away some of your anxiety. Good luck :)

Helpp quick!?

It sounds similar to you have an infection and really obligation to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Dont be upset to go because it is the singular way your going to any really answers. I hope all is capably and please go soon. Good luck! and tolerate me know how it goes.

Night Sweat Nightmare! Anyone know how to stop this?

yeah i also speak that u better get to a doctor incase it is serious

Ladies, what things do you do to 'thoroughness' for the area 'down near' and keep it in shape?

This has happen to my mom before, and it turned out to be hoary rotten breast milk (gross i know), but unless you have breast feed and have a child thats probabally what it is.

Anal fissures?

sounds close to an A&E job babe x

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i know everyone else have said it but go to the doctor, it might be nought but you really need to win a professional opinion around it.

Are flavored condoms safe to use for intercourse?

Not another set of implant!!


The green liquid coming from your nipples could be "milk" This is pretty possible if you are not pregnant, and is due to overproduction of the hormone prolactin. This is easily treated beside medication.
Go to your doctor who should do a blood test.

What do the doctors do at a gynecologist call round?

You need to see a gynecologist. I go to see mine recently as I've have a similar problem. I had a pallid thick discharge from both nipples that started almost 3 years ago. It's now a clear/cloudy discharge. My gynecologist have to take a swab from both of them. There be some mention of it being an indication of a possible tumor, but thank goodness it wasn't that or that serious at all. He said "no word is good news" and I hear nothing and haven't be called within again.

But please, speak to your gynecologist ASAP! If there are any problems, it could be resolved promptly if done sooner rather than next.

What would be the cause of a 57 year antediluvian womans' head to shake?

The red and white spots are common but green discharge is not go see a doctor straight away

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