GF freshly had interval..Plan B effects?

GF just said she get off extent a few days ago, we had unprotected sex closing night. How will taking Plan B effect her? I know it sort of give another period cycle because of adjectives the estrogen, but how should I tell her? You may bleed a moment or two bit and your period cycle will be somewhat off?


My interval was due yesterday and hold been notion crampy since last Saturday what could be going on?

She should really know intuitively what the drug is going to do to her... she should do her own research, not you, but seeing as you've already had unprotected sex, I'll try to help

Plan B is intended to do a few things: 1, makes her body maintain the egg from releasing, so conception can't occur.

2, it thicken the cell membrane of the egg, making it more difficult for conception to occur

3, If conception has already occur, it changes the facing inside her uterus, so the inseminated egg will not stick.

Taking Plan B is essentially taking an entire months worth of birth control pills all at once. That is a lot of hormones rushing through her system. She may become immensely moody or act resembling she's going through a severe case of PMS. Her time is almost guaranteed to be a little stale, and it's possible she might bleed for longer than she is used to.

Personally, I had really really doomed to failure cramps for a few days after taking Plan B, then I started my interval and bled for abut 3 days longer than usual.

While she's at the doctors (or planned parenthood, or whatever) she should discuss the possibility of getting on birth control. Her parents do not hold to know, as long as she personally have the money. Since I'm assuming she is underage, if she goes to planned maternity, she should get a reduced price for her birth control.

Sex is fun, have a child earlier than you needed is certainly not. Please be not dangerous! If you want to have sex minus a condom, please get on the pill or some other liberal of birth control!

Embarrasing problem?

She should speak with someone at Planned Parenthood.

Also, please remember the condoms. They protect against STDs, pregnancy, and a mixture of other diseases.

It may get her time to come early and reset it. When I took it, that's what happen with me.

If she go to Planned Parenthood, she can get free (or cheap) Plan B and the opportunity to speak beside a true professional about the situation. As a childish woman, she does need to be informed fully nearly the ins and outs of the situation.

Late Period!?

Hi, Where I am (Kent, UK) you can get contraceptive drug for free at either your GP's or the Family Planning Clinic, I started on the pill at 13 because my elder sister had problems near her periods and I be starting to have problems, if she go to her GP she could give this as a root why she wants to shift onto the pill. I fairly just this minute took the morning after pill and didn't have any side effects at adjectives, no difference in my cycle whatsoever... If she does receive the morning after pill it will have a guide inside explaining everything for her so you shouldn't have to do much except ask her to read it or read it together... You do inevitability to get this done sooner a bit than later though as the longer its departed the less accident it has of working...
Good Luck & Best Wishes

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