How can you lost counterweight at 13 nippy?

I'm 13 and I weigh 130 pounds. I have alot of 'flubber' in my belly nouns. I'd really like to lose that before arts school starts in one month because I am very insecure around my body. How can I do that (lose the 'flub' on my stomach and drop some pounds) and what would you recomend?

Answers:    i am the same age and wieght and i hate it. i want to lose 20 pounnds contained by 2 weeks because i dont want my new school clothes to be too big. i am choosing to do it the weak way because i hate it. this is the diet im doing if its any backing for you
Lose up to 10 pounds in 3 Days
Day 1

Breakfast- 1/2 grapefruit, 1 teaspoon peanut butter, 1 slice toast
*Lunch- 1/2 cup tuna, 1 slice toast
Supper- 3oz any meat, 1 cup greens, 1 cup carrots, 1 small apple, I cup vanilla rime cream

Day 2

Breakfast- 1/2 banana, 1 slice toast, 1 boiled egg (for protein)
*Lunch- 1 cup tuna or cottage cheese, 5 saltine crakers
Supper- 3oz any meat, 1/2 cup carrots, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream

Day 3

Breakfast- 1 slice cheddar cheese, 5 saltine crackers, 1 small apple
Lunch- 1 boiled egg, 1 slice toast
*Supper- 1 cup tuna, 1/2 cantaloupe or watermelon, 1/2 cup carrot, 1/2 cup cauliflower, 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream

* may substitute for chicken
** follow this diet for 3 consecutive days, then stop for 4 days. You may get through anything you want in those 4 days, but in moderation. Only do this diet 3 weeks surrounded by a month’s time. Exercise at least 3 times a week, more the better. Good luck!
Okay do NOT listen to that first chick! Im the exact same way. Do the first phase of the south shore diet until school starts. Walk for atleast 20 minutes every day and do desk light exercises that focus on your abdomen. Make sure when working out to suck in your stomach. It'll contribute you abs if you do it long enough. Stick to drinking lots of water after working out to replenish and because it boosts metabolism. Just trade name sure to do it the healthy way. You will see results I promise! You simply have to stick to it. I've lost nearly 12 pounds already an Iknow i;ll lose another ten before university! first off.. everyone has a bit of flab on them especially around the mid subsection. but when it comes to losing weight you have to do it within a healthy manner. adjectives oneself or anything like that will only take home whatver you eat turn even more into fat as a style of conpinsating for the lack of food.. so i think the best road to lose weight is excersise..i dont know if you have ON DEMAND but if you do.. in attendance are free videos under the form and fitness section!! that are for great cardio and abs as well as other video... i wanted to lose weight for my NY break and thats what i did... i was 125 and now im 115 freshly from nice excersise. if you dont have on demand u can do it short it.. try riding a bike for like an hour or two a day thats great for your legs and tummy..

hang on to in mind ur only 13 so you really merely want to keep healthy and excersise. and if you do you'll know how to mantain a nice healthy weight forever.. ur with the sole purpose supossed to lose 1-2 pounds a week.. i know it doesnt seem like alot... but it doesnt be in motion unnoticed!! .
well any excersizing like jog or swimming ect. but also do some toning excersizers so you won't be left with an annoying amount of skin. How towering are you, check your bmi at this website someone recommended to you. as i guess you are healthy this should give you some confidence!!

i am 12 and i weigh 115 and want to lose substance to this is my plan i ride my bike for about 45 minutes and do 200 sit-ups a day you own to burn more calories than you eat good luck hope this help

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