Can I masturbate during my time?

I just get it and I don't know all the facts.

Also, will it stop your flow for a hours of daylight or two and come back stronger the subsequent? If you can, provide a reference.

Is it ok to douche while on ur time of year?

If you want to, you can. For some women, sexual urges decrease during menstruation; for some, the urge increases. Orgasm does release endorphins, humour's opiates; this may even help your cramps and other menstrual symptoms. No, it won't stop your flow for a light of day or two. The spasms that occur beside orgasm may stop it temporarily (say for an hour or so) but it will come back.

Do You deem tampon commercials should be BAND from television ?

No you CAN"T masturbate during your length. Of Course you can! What could that possibly do? Go to this web site.

Im on birth control do i entail the morning after pill?

Why would you want to? You can

How can i stop my period?

why would you want too?, messy and also conceivably painful because of the backache with cramps, but do as you please it's your body!

Is it possible to own surgery to tighten up my vagina?ive had 2 roomy babies and need some give support to?

Errr no..
let ur body catch rid of its ((well)) stuff..
and woodnt that be extremly messy and hurt as it gets tender as during your time of year as you vaginal wall lining breaks away to gross a new thicker one.

ummm dont do it at adjectives :)

Does Anyone Else Experience Extreme Mood Swings Before Their Period?

If you want to of course you can.Each to their own.It can even help out with the cramping opinion you may be feeling...It shouldn't alter your flow any..

Need help.tubal ligation?

Not sure why you would want to put your hand where the blood is, but no it won't do any wound.


GIRLS NEED SOME SUGGESTIONS!! how can i make my cramps stop or so i wont grasp em as bad THANKS?

if you resembling dirty stinking hands why not more power to you

Painful cesarean blotch?

How old are you?

First of adjectives...I'm against masturbating in the first place. BUT...can't you just continue 3-8 that so hard?

I don't know how long your flow last, but seriously, if you can't wait however long it is..later you've got problems.

How lots treatment does laser hair removal pinch?


What treatments should I consider for a fibroid?

If the urge is that intense, you'll brave the mess - I know!

Do i really want to use a tampon?

wow...that is too personal of a give somebody the third really should ask your mom.

What are the best home remedies for Constipation?

in my own actualy made my period cease faster.and it helped me near my made them not come around so much .everyone is different but ya you can do that while on your period.

Emergeny!!! HELP?

yes you can masterbate on your spell!--it when your the horniest....omg how many culture said you cant? how stupid!! i do it all the time--it can cut your flow a bit but it comes right stern.....geez--all these uniformed ingnorant people are driving me crazy today!! own fun!

Anyone know where i can rent a wheelchair surrounded by Calgary,Canada?

If you want to you can... it all depends on how YOU have a feeling about it.

What does this be set to?

first off, everyone is different. I hold one day on my term, but it is a completely miserable cramp filled daytime that i have to hold 2 midol every 4 hours, and I'm not a wimp when it comes to pain... but masterbating shouldn't create it any worse. if anything, it'll make the cramps better.(and i know how you perceive, Im horniest on my period, so yeah)

first bad, those freaks that are saying it's gross to masterbate, or that it can't be done are humiliated with their bodies and of late havent tried, respectively. It's easiest to masterbate in the shower on your spell because the blood flow usually stops and its obviously where on earth it would be the least messy and bloody...

Period and showers?

Of course you can masturbate during your interval.

I doubt you will affect the flow in doing so, but it may give support to alleviate cramping slightly.

Do what you do & enjoy it!

Tampon trouble?

Please slight whoever said your vaginal lining sheds. That is in recent times wrong. The lining of you uterus sheds and it cannot be harmed within any way by masturbation. I own heard that if an orgasm make your uterus contract it could make your spell end sooner by releasing more "blood" faster. That is category of how women induce labor with orgasms so i devise its plausible, but hard to prove. I would suggest doing this in the hip bath or shower to prevent mess, but if you just masturbate by rubbing your clitoris w/o any insertion later you can do that with a tampon within and it would be just close to you where on any other year of your cycle. Masturbating is healthy and might even assistance alleviate your cramps.

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