What does this plan?

What does Bear Box mean. Someone please inform me!

Please answer me if you can!?

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Some of these suffer boxes (aka "food storage lockers" are not on the park service info sheets. Please send me manual descriptions of how to find these or other food lockers, GPS coordinates (include datum!) or marked map with updates, additions, and corrections. If you don't enjoy details, even HINTS are welcome.

If you own the Topo! software from Wildflower, send me a .tpo or .tpg directory, or better yet export the waypoints and email me the file file. If you ask, I'll email you .tpo files or tiny GIF files beside scanned topo fragments so you can mark off the location and email them back to me. If you follow the links below down to the box details, you will find a link to TopoZone where on earth you can view online map showing the approximate bear box location, or you can viewpoint local JPEG maps where on earth I've marked the locations already. NEW FOR 2007: From respectively regional or box detail page, you can view that region overlaid near roads and trails on satellite images or map using Google Maps (web application) or Google Earth (must download and install).

I ESPECIALLY want to know if there are errors

introduction and overview

Bear Boxes Map next to graphical links to individual regions

a brief list of adjectives 25 regions with paper links to individual regions

a much longer list of adjectives the bear boxes surrounded by all the regions
- every box is shown, beside links to the same facts as the regional lists
- one-line summaries of all the boxes contained by every region
- GPS waypoints and full text descriptions
- even minus a GPS, use these waypoints to find box locations on a map

revision history and contributor credits


Those boxes which have be field-checked by Climber.Org contributors are indicated by waypoints starting with "BB". Unverified boxes enjoy waypoints starting with "XX", and the GPS coordinates associated beside them range from a virtuous guess to throwing a dart at a map - I read the ranger's description of where they are, and extracted a coordinate from the map. If you are going to a place beside an unverified box, please take record and update this file!

Waypoint information is shown in Waypoint+ format - copy and attach into a local text database, then read it into Waypoint+ or TOPO!GPS. Note that both NAD27 and NAD83 information are provided, and both latitude/longitude and UTM coordinates are available. If you don't understand these acronyms, please click here for a UTM and LAT/LON coordinate explanation from the Sierra Peaks List page.

The amount of error between the datum used for drawing most UGSG map (NAD27) and the datum used by GPS satellites (WGS84 is essentially the same as NAD83) vary with location. Authoritative details of how to convert between NAD27 and NAD83, including charts of how much difference in attendance is between them as a function of location, can be found on the US National Geodetic Survey's NADCON page.

Even if you don't have a GPS heir, use the waypoints in the regional box listings to find box locations on paper map or your favorite mapping software. All users of TOPO book 2.0 and later (even minus the TOPO!GPS upgrade) can open the 'TPG' folder in any region, sort by distance from the anchor point, and get to any waypoint by clicking in the list (see regional listings for links to these binary waypoint files). Files on Climber.Org are more up-to-date, but you can also call round the TOPO Trails home page to retrieve .tpo and .tpg files for all three of their CDROMs covered by this record of peaks (Sequoia, Yosemite, plus a complete wallet for the USA CD). Bookmarks help you find them beforehand or after you overlay the regions with GPS coordinates to locate the boxes.


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